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Top Shelf Aquatics

So I bought my first clown. Have a few questions.


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I'm used to having wrasses and seeing them completey motionless at night. So when I saw this clownfish moving all night long for the 2 days that I've had him, I got worried.


At night the clown seems to just move up and down on the bottom right corner of the aquarium.


Also, when I tried to feed him today, he tried to eat the mysis but would spit it out right after swallowing.


Finally, I'm worked about the health of this fish. I had seem him at my lfs for about 2 weeks before I decided he was healthy. His gills look like their a bit inflamed, but that very well could be how it looks.


For reference, it's a black clown.

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I'm used to having wrasses and seeing them completey motionless at night. So when I saw this clownfish moving all night long for the 2 days that I've had him, I got worried.


At night the clown seems to just move up and down on the bottom right corner of the aquarium.


Also, when I tried to feed him today, he tried to eat the mysis but would spit it out right after swallowing.


Finally, I'm worked about the health of this fish. I had seem him at my lfs for about 2 weeks before I decided he was healthy. His gills look like their a bit inflamed, but that very well could be how it looks.


For reference, it's a black clown.


I used to have a pair of occelaris clowns, I now have a pair of picassos. They are constantly moving around at night in one of the corners of my tank. As for spitting out food, mine do the same as well. I think they do it at times to break food up if it is too big.

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My clown slept for a few weeks.. not any more.


As for the shrimp, it's either too big or he just doesn't like it. Try something else.

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try a smaller pellet type food or mabey some flakes. it sometimes takes clowns a few days to really eat well.


they are sleep swimming, pretty common for clowns. some sleep not moving others move. i wonder if it has to do with flow in the tank?

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You might try reading some of the replies I got to my post about normal clown behavior (its just above yours currently) they are kinda getting redundant and could be combined into one so read both I guess.

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