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Just starting out. Which tank would be best?


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I am just now starting to consider if I really want to learn how to do the saltwater tank. I have had freshwater for awhile now but I decided for my sanity downsizing was in my best interest. I currently have a 20 gallon tank that I planned on using for my first SW tank but I started thumbing around and was wondering would it be better if I instead tried to purchase one of the 'biocube' tanks?


Thanks in advance. I have a 20 tall but I'm sure I could just as easily get a 20 long which has been some generall suggestions from another forum. I'm sure plenty more questions to come.

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I am just now starting to consider if I really want to learn how to do the saltwater tank. I have had freshwater for awhile now but I decided for my sanity downsizing was in my best interest. I currently have a 20 gallon tank that I planned on using for my first SW tank but I started thumbing around and was wondering would it be better if I instead tried to purchase one of the 'biocube' tanks?


Thanks in advance. I have a 20 tall but I'm sure I could just as easily get a 20 long which has been some generall suggestions from another forum. I'm sure plenty more questions to come.


any one of these options would work.. please for the sake of a 'hobby' do not go killing all your freshwater fish! but if i had a do over id do a 20 long :)

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I am just now starting to consider if I really want to learn how to do the saltwater tank. I have had freshwater for awhile now but I decided for my sanity downsizing was in my best interest. I currently have a 20 gallon tank that I planned on using for my first SW tank but I started thumbing around and was wondering would it be better if I instead tried to purchase one of the 'biocube' tanks?


Thanks in advance. I have a 20 tall but I'm sure I could just as easily get a 20 long which has been some generall suggestions from another forum. I'm sure plenty more questions to come.


:welcome: to N/R


I have both a BC29 AIO and 20 Long AGA drilled with a sump. I would recommend buying a 20 long drilling it and using your 20 H as a sump. The 20 long is easy to light and stock. If you are wanting more water volume get a 29 AGA same foot print just deeper, which would require a a better quality light then the 20 long. The AIOs are nice but most people end up modding them resulting in more money spent. If you buy a standard tank and build it to your needs you will have a much better system, most likely for less money.


a sump gives you so many more options for filtration not to mention eliminates equipment clutter in the main display.

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I am just now starting to consider if I really want to learn how to do the saltwater tank. I have had freshwater for awhile now but I decided for my sanity downsizing was in my best interest. I currently have a 20 gallon tank that I planned on using for my first SW tank but I started thumbing around and was wondering would it be better if I instead tried to purchase one of the 'biocube' tanks?


Thanks in advance. I have a 20 tall but I'm sure I could just as easily get a 20 long which has been some generall suggestions from another forum. I'm sure plenty more questions to come.


My first salt tank was a FO; came from a background similiar to yours a year or two back. I gradually came to the decision that I wanted to add live rock, and on enjoying that started adding elements. First came a skimmer, then macroalgae and a 130w PC lighting system. I had a few easy corals in that tank - a leather with the constitution of an ox (managed to survive a few months on 1w/gallon before thriving under the PCs) and after the PCs went in a small frag of zoanthids.


For me, it let me ease my way into the shift from fresh to salt. Your mileage may vary.

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my first sw tank was a 20 long. that was a great starter tank! i used a 4bulb t-5 fixture, a 10 gallon sump, an aqua c remora skimmer and a magdrive return pump....it was an awesome tank and learned a chit load about the hobby...which lead me to my current 40breeder loaded with sps coral....good luck!


do as much research as u possibly can handle! lol and u should be fine

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any one of these options would work.. please for the sake of a 'hobby' do not go killing all your freshwater fish! but if i had a do over id do a 20 long :)

No worries. The fish I'm 'downsizing' have found great new homes. I was very sad to see them go but I think in the end it will be for the best. Moving sometime in the next year or so and I didn't want to deal with the hassle of the transport. Someday when I'm settled into a house I'm going to stay in for a good long while I will probably get a big tank. Maybe by then I'll have changed my mind. Who knows. :lol:


my first sw tank was a 20 long. that was a great starter tank! i used a 4bulb t-5 fixture, a 10 gallon sump, an aqua c remora skimmer and a magdrive return pump....it was an awesome tank and learned a chit load about the hobby...which lead me to my current 40breeder loaded with sps coral....good luck!


do as much research as u possibly can handle! lol and u should be fine

Thanks everyone for the ideas. I will definitely aim for a 20 gallon long. I have a 10 gallon that I can use for a sump perhaps. I was planning on selling the 20 tall and using the $$ to get the long. My dad had a fountain in his office and he gave me the pump from it but I have no idea how much it pumps (or honestly if it even works) so I have that for a sump. I still have a lot to research. As I said this will most certainly not be my last post! All the stickies at the top have been amazingly helpful.

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