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Top Shelf Aquatics

Kangen Water machine Leveluk SD501


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My pops has one of these fancy water machines, you can choose clean water it's one of the setting PH7.0


and I think 8.0 and 9.5 is "kangen water"


my obvious choice would either be 7.0"clean" water or the ph8.0



let me know if anyone has any info and if it would be straight to use on my fish tanks


The machine is like $4k

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Looks like it is just ionizing it and messing with the ORP levels. Seems like it does not remove anything though.....it claims to dispense...


"high alkaline water that is full of antioxidants and it contains the minerals and calcium that is already in your tap water".



"Through the use of purification and ionization. the process starts with an internal filter and electrolysis process, splitting the water into two parts; alkaline (hydrogen-rich) and acidic (oxygen-rich). It is electrolyzed alkaline water with tremendous deoxidization power. This deoxidization power is recognized in medical fields for it's fantastic ability to effectively improve many types of diseases and illnesses. "

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yeah, just spoke with customer service, and they " don't reccomend using the water" and def not the higher ph 7.0-9.5


so that sucks...

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pretty much hahaha


lame wish it would now i need a good filter I've been buying ro water from a filter in an organic grocery store but recently had a cyano outbreak and I think it's from phosphates in the water I've been getting...



hippies need change those damn ro filters =D

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