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is this normal for a bta?


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So i just bought a bta, my first one ever and i noticed some strange behavior. When iput it into my tank my clowns instantly swam to it, i guess i got lucky. It stayed in one spot and moved like i knew it would but the stange this is it has two favorite places it keeps moving to. One is a hole where it goes at night and when the light is on it moves to a different part of the rock. Is this normal for it to be moving to two spots all the time? Should i be worried?

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Most likely it is trying to find a sweet spot where it receives good flow and lighting. They also like to wedge their foot into a crevice. The anemone will most likely adjust to you lighting and stay put, what type of lighting are you using?

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Most likely it is trying to find a sweet spot where it receives good flow and lighting. They also like to wedge their foot into a crevice. The anemone will most likely adjust to you lighting and stay put, what type of lighting are you using?


I am using the k2 viper 150w on my jbj 24 its right under my hydor. Flow and facing my powerhead

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Make sure your powerhead is covered in some fashion or your BTA will soon be shredded by it. They have a tendency to find their way into powerheads.

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  • 1 month later...
Make sure your powerhead is covered in some fashion or your BTA will soon be shredded by it. They have a tendency to find their way into powerheads.


I lost like three anemones because of them going into my koralia powerhead.

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I lost like three anemones because of them going into my koralia powerhead.



Make sure you feed the nem. They need to be fed weekly or so. I have used frozen, sinking pellets, and a variety of other foods, just make sure it gets fed.

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my rbta does the same thing. when the lights come on hell move to the front of the rock and at night hell move about 6in behind the rock.

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ditto...my rbta moves a matter of inches from day to night. Always the same two spots.


And it also seems to thrive off frozen mysis, raw salad shrimp, chopped, and a variety of other meaty items. I feed it twice a month directly, although it snags mysis and eats it almost daily,

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I just got a RBTA this week and mine came perched on a rock, a very nice coraline rock I might add! I put him in the sandbed as there isn't room for a big room in my rock scape right now...


He's been there for days, closing at night, and opening up in the morning when the lights come on but hasn't moved since I got him.... He must like the LED intensity, even at the sand bed!!


I absolutely love this guy, although my clowns seem confused as to what to do with him.

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