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Innovative Marine Aquariums

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I have a new tank coming (28g jbj) and have a few questions. I have had a 12 gal for a couple of years and other than a small water change quarterly, and scraping the purple crap off the glass it seems to do fine.



My questions...


1. will I need a skimmer? If so is the jbj one ok?

2. How long should it take to cycle?

3. Live rock. Is it necessary? or can I fill it up with other decorative items? Maybe a small anchor and other things I have found diving?

4. How much sand?

5. I have been using gallon water from Wal-Mart for my few water changes. Can I use the same thing to start the new tank?

6. Can I drill a 3" hole in each tank and connect via clear pipe?



Thanks in advance for your time!





j/k about #6.


I know your thinking about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9y4iXAso4I

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Welcome to NR and a growing group of us with Nano Cube 28's. I have the same tank thats been up and running for more than a year now. See below to my opinions on your questions.


1. will I need a skimmer? If so is the jbj one ok?

I don't run a skimmer. I'm a believer that on tanks this size, frequent water changes (weekly) are the key to success. If you are doing water changes weekly, you are exporting waste thru water changes while bringing in new trace elements. Most of us on here that don't run skimmers have upgraded media baskets that allow you to filter the water better than the stock basket. I like to advise to save the money on the skimmer and buy some corals.


2. How long should it take to cycle?

Depends on the live rock you use. I would plan on 4-5 weeks and hope for sooner. Don't get in a rush. Think of your tank a year from now instead of tomorrow. You will make better decisions and have a healthier tank for it.


3. Live rock. Is it necessary? or can I fill it up with other decorative items? Maybe a small anchor and other things I have found diving?

Live rock is mandatory! Live rock is the biological filtration that will allow your tank to sustain.


4. How much sand?

Depends on what you like. Some go shallow sand bed (SSB) while others go deep sand bed (DSB). Look at tanks that you like and don't like and figure out what it is you like about them.


5. I have been using gallon water from Wal-Mart for my few water changes. Can I use the same thing to start the new tank?

RODI water is best to mix your water. If this is what you are getting from walmart than keep going with it. If it's not, you should start using RODI to mix water and do your top offs. If you don't you could be adding phosphates into your tank. Phosphates = Algae


Hope you find this info helpful

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Thanks for the quick response. About the live rock. How are some people able to glue their rocks together and make it look nice without the rock "dying" in the process?

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