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Coral Vue Hydros

orange spots on rocks?


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Those would be flatworms all over your rock.

There are a couple ways you can get rid of them.

Most people use Flatworm exit, but if you want to go the more natural route, you can get a flasher wrasse or a mandarin goby and they should hunt down the flatworms. I know my McCosker's wrasse did.

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I wouldn't say any fish is guaranteed to eat them. Especially if you have any decent pod population. Blue Velvet Nudi is the only sure fire natural way to get rid of them, but then it will starve.


Also, bring your nutrient levels down and they should just go away.

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I can't add more fish in tank due to limit- biocube 29


Reduce feed? Like 3 days?


It's not all over on rocks.. Just one side of rock.


I always uses coral rx for all frags :( I don't know how it got in my tank.




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Not cut back on feeding, reduce the nutrients in your water.. cutting back feeding is ONE method to help with this. Research will bring you to the rest (good water, skimmer, etc) However, not feeding the tank for 3 days won't do much but leave you with hungry fish.

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It's not all over on rocks.. Just one side of rock.


If you see that many on the surface......there are 100 times that many inside the rock and where you cannot see them. Read any thread on "Flatworm Exit" and you will see people say over and over that....


" I only saw like 30 of them but the second I used Flatworm Exit hundreds and hundreds came flooding out of every nook and cranny of my tank."

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ok i siphoned it out as many as i can..


I will keep it doing for few days until i give up and shoot it with flatworm exit LOL!


my nitrate is 0




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Sounds like the way to do it. The less than die from Flatworm Exit, the less that are releasing toxins into your tank.


Siphon Siphon Siphon Siphon Siphon Siphon Siphon Siphon Siphon Siphon Siphon Siphon Siphon Siphon......and then Siphon some more.


Then use the nuclear bomb on them. ;)

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yup! I m trying to get it out as many as i can then KA BOOM! my tank...reduce toxic in tank


of course i ll have my 5 gal sw ready for change water.


I think my tank hold 20-23 gal in it.


I read some info...said must have carbon in it when do Flatworm exit ?


Is chemi pure elite a carbon too ?




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You do want to use carbon. A lot of it. A media bag or canister filter will work, as will other methods. Chemipure elite is carbon + gfo for phosphates. I think its good stuff but it is better saved for regular use. Geting a container of carbon and a couple media bags is probably the cheapest way you can apply it.


You may want to think about having more than 5 gal of new water. JMO but that is cheap insurance in case something bad does happen.

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