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brittle starfish tank mates?


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What would be some safe things to keep with a brittle starfish. Its a fairily good size and is mayby hand sized stretched out.

So far I have a few dwarf hermits, an emerald crab plus a damsel but id like to add more of a cuc.


Id like a shrimp though I beleive i have heard of larger brittle stars eating shrimps so im thinking some harder shelled hermit or crab would be good so any ideas?



What about another brittle star? Would they have any problems with eachother?

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what color is the brittle star? any photos? there's like fifty different species fitting the 'large brittle star' moniker, some play nicer than others.

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what color is the brittle star? any photos? there's like fifty different species fitting the 'large brittle star' moniker, some play nicer than others.

He is black/dark brown with red little tenticles (im not sure of the proper name, but the things eqivalent to an octopus' suction cups).


I also forgot to mention I think he may of killed some snails i had before so snails are probably out. I'll try to get a pic but it may be a bit till I can get one as usually only the tips of his tenticles are seen outside the rockwork. I'll check on the tank tonight to see if I can catch him out an about.


He was pretty cheap so its probably one of the common species.


He looks like:


Looks like this

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if he's already killed snails, chances are crabs will also be on the menu eventually. good thing hermits are cheap. :)


as for other brittle stars, it would be hit or miss, imo.

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my brittle was fine for 8 months.. but i think it got bigger... and ate my fav cleaner shrimp. :( Then I bought another one. and he ate that one too. (i think - seemed like he was the culprit) I got rid of the brittle star. he was cool, but i liked my shrimp better. Now i'm going to get blood red shrimp.

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if he's already killed snails, chances are crabs will also be on the menu eventually. good thing hermits are cheap. :)


as for other brittle stars, it would be hit or miss, imo.

Well im not totally sure if it was him that killed them of if he was just eating them as I also had some larger hermits that may of been the ones to catch the snail.

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in that case, grab a few snails and try them out. maybe get rid of the crabs. what are your reasons for needing a larger CUC?

I moved the crabs to my sump. Theres no real need for a larger cuc but Id just like a bit mroe activity. I may just add some more dwarf blue leg hermits as it will add some more activity, be farily cheap and won't take up any real space.

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