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Need help designing HOB refugium


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So Ive been tossing a few ideas around in my head about the possibilities of a refugium for my Edge and Ive come to the conclusion a hang-on-the-back style fuge would work best. But I need a little of your guys help in the plumbing department!


The Fluval Edge is a great looking aquarium, but as many of you probably know, it's not without its caveats. The only solution Ive seem to come up with is creating a custom HOB fuge out of acrylic (like in the picture). It would be plumbed directly into the filter, with the back of the hood cut off so you can actually access the filter area. It wouldnt necessarily hang off the back, per se, but would function as a HOB fuge would (being attached via glue, rubberbands, stand, etc).


My only foreseeable issue is (a big one at that) is how to exactly to plumb it. I couldnt really find any good DIYs for the style Im looking for. This one here here did what Im looking to do, but doesnt really cover anything besides working with the acrylic. Would I use a line of aquarium tubing to siphon the water into the fuge and then a small pump to push that water back into the filter area? If so, what kind of pump would I use?


Thanks guys!! fingerscrossed


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a very slow pump!


So Ive been tossing a few ideas around in my head about the possibilities of a refugium for my Edge and Ive come to the conclusion a hang-on-the-back style fuge would work best. But I need a little of your guys help in the plumbing department!


The Fluval Edge is a great looking aquarium, but as many of you probably know, it's not without its caveats. The only solution Ive seem to come up with is creating a custom HOB fuge out of acrylic (like in the picture). It would be plumbed directly into the filter, with the back of the hood cut off so you can actually access the filter area. It wouldnt necessarily hang off the back, per se, but would function as a HOB fuge would (being attached via glue, rubberbands, stand, etc).


My only foreseeable issue is (a big one at that) is how to exactly to plumb it. I couldnt really find any good DIYs for the style Im looking for. This one here (<a href ="http://saltaquarium.about.com/od/refugiumsetups/ss/diyacrylicrefug.htm">Link name</a> ) did what Im looking to do, but doesnt really cover anything besides working with the acrylic. Would I use a line of aquarium tubing to siphon the water into the fuge and then a small pump to push that water back into the filter area? If so, what kind of pump would I use?


Thanks guys!! fingerscrossed

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a very slow pump!


So I take it the siphoning in and pumping out is the correct way to do this? How would the water level be controlled?

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If your talking about the fluval edge with the little opening at the top. You will have to have the fuge higher than the tank. Either pump it to the fuge and have it gravity feed back to the tank or suck it out of the tank and have it gravity feed back to tank. Pretty much the only way your going to ba able to do it with that tank.

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If your talking about the fluval edge with the little opening at the top. You will have to have the fuge higher than the tank. Either pump it to the fuge and have it gravity feed back to the tank or suck it out of the tank and have it gravity feed back to tank. Pretty much the only way your going to ba able to do it with that tank.


Why not have gravity feed it into the fuge and then pump it back into the tank? I was thinking of making a pvc or aquarium tube siphon into an acrylic container like the pic I posted and then having a small pump to push the water it back into the tank.


Since this tank is limiting, I just want to make something simple that I can throw some chaeto into.

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To do it that way you will have to make an over flow box u tube style over flow. It will take up room in the tank. If done right can be reliable. If not done right can fail and cause a flood. If you plan on doing the overflow box then you might as well put a large sump under the tank and run a skimmer, heater, ato in there. If all you want is a fuge with maco, sand and a crab or too. Then i would put it above the tank and make it a "display" style fuge. Just my .02

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To do it that way you will have to make an over flow box u tube style over flow. It will take up room in the tank. If done right can be reliable. If not done right can fail and cause a flood. If you plan on doing the overflow box then you might as well put a large sump under the tank and run a skimmer, heater, ato in there. If all you want is a fuge with maco, sand and a crab or too. Then i would put it above the tank and make it a "display" style fuge. Just my .02


Good call, I havent done much plumbing so the potential flooding was a major oversight. I think youre right that this is the best option for what Im trying to accomplish. Do you know of a small pump that would work? I would have to place the pump in the refugium as there isnt really any room in the filter box where the fuge will be plumbed into. It would have to be as small as possible and "suck" water instead of pump it (not sure if your would use different motors for that).

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Yes that could work depending on how high above the tank you mount the fuge.


Here is a link to my HOB fuge for my pico.



I am in the process of reduing it to move the pump into the fuge and have it draw water out of the tank rather than pump into fuge. Im basiclly going to use a old HOB filter, cut it up to use the pump and intake tube. Also make it bigger and house a media rack and filter floss holder to catch debri before going into fuge.

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Yes that could work depending on how high above the tank you mount the fuge.


Here is a link to my HOB fuge for my pico.



I am in the process of reduing it to move the pump into the fuge and have it draw water out of the tank rather than pump into fuge. Im basiclly going to use a old HOB filter, cut it up to use the pump and intake tube. Also make it bigger and house a media rack and filter floss holder to catch debri before going into fuge.


This looks great! Its pretty much exactly what I was thinking for myself. Any chance of you fixing some of the pictures that document the building process? Be sure to keep us updated on how you end up tweaking it as well!

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I will take a look tonight and see if I can fix the broken links. I fixed most in the first page or so. I will be taking pictures of the new build and putting them up.


Your fuge will probably have to have a tube feeding the fuge via a pump sucking water and then a tube back to tank. I dont think you have enough room to make a true HOB fuge.

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