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Starfish seems shocked?


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I have had this starfish that I got off the florida shore and it survived a 24 hour ride home in a milk jug of water and has been in my tank for about 6 months doing awesome and never showing signs of stress or worry and just last night I decided to try to get rid of my red slime alage so I took all the rocks out and scrubbed them real good and rinsed them ( in old tank water ) and put them back in along with my water change. I noticed that night he went up the glass and curled up around the my powerhead which it has done many of times before but this morning when the lights came on he was still there and has been there the entire day without much movement. I watched his legs and they have moved a small amount but he has pretty much been in the exact spot since the change. I checked all the chemistry and it is as good as it was before so I'm not sure whats going on. I want to figure this out because he did so well with the move from florida and I have started to really like him so if anyone knows what might be wrong please help.


I would assume if he dies tho he wont be able to hold onto the glass? so its an ok sign if he remains hanging on to the glass I would think?


salt is the same

nitrate is the same

no ammonia ( Yet, still watching it all closely )

and Ph is right on


there is also a small bit more water flow then the last time tho since I upgraded one of the powerheads with my new change but I couldn't imagine that a little more flow would keep him from moving around?

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your tank probably doesnt have enough food for it, simply. Probably not big enough to support a starfish and less surface area for algae to grow for it to graze on.

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you could not have provided less detail if you tried.


regardless, its probably been slowly starving to death for months while it brought you enjoyment. kinda sad...


how exactly would such a creature show its stress or worry to you?


glad you 'rescued' a creature you can't even name nor know nothing about.


next time, stay true to your name (loveforfish) and don't attempt to put something you know nothing about into a milk jug for a long ride home into a cyano covered starvation chamber where you don't have even a basic grasp of the most basic/important parameters (Alk. for instance)

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you could not have provided less detail if you tried.


You're probably the sharpest guy on the boards I bet.


regardless, its probably been slowly starving to death for months while it brought you enjoyment. kinda sad...


There is plenty of algae on the rocks and back wall of my tank where it seems to hang out most of the time and I would guess its getting food that gets caught on the rock.


how exactly would such a creature show its stress or worry to you?


I posted this thread " BECAUSE " I was detecting signs of stress.. When any creature no matter what the hell kind it is starts acting in ways that aren't its usual behavior I would as anyone would guess its stressed and it would cause worry to anyone.


glad you 'rescued' a creature you can't even name nor know nothing about.


I actually did the opposite, my younger brother was in florida and found it and wanted to bring it home to me. I told him not to and explained why but he did it anyway so instead of flushing it down I put it in my tank and tried to keep it alive, which has been working so far..


next time, stay true to your name (loveforfish) and don't attempt to put something you know nothing about into a milk jug for a long ride home into a cyano covered starvation chamber where you don't have even a basic grasp of the most basic/important parameters (Alk. for instance)


If I didn't have love for fish I would have tossed this thing in my yard the second it got home and probably wouldn't waste my time asking for help about it right now.. And you're right, I don't have as good of a clue as some of you arrogant members on here that have been into the hobby for half there life which is why I'm posting for help.

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