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Rebuilding pod population from scratch

Mr. Microscope

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Mr. Microscope

Hello All,


My tank has had it's ups and downs in the last year. I've had two of three die off events do to some unseen sponges on coral purchases and other stupid mistakes. As of now, my pod population is nil. I even took some water out of my fuge with some cheato and looked at it under the microscope. I didn't even see the microscopic guys. So, it looks like I need to start from scratch to rebuild the population. What would be the best way to go about this?


I don't want to get any new corals at the moment and I'm afraid purchasing new LR could lead to another mini cycle. I was thinking that perhaps the easiest way to do it would be to get some fresh chaeto from an established tank and hope it takes off from there. My fuge is relatively calm. So, I think it would make for an ample breeding ground.


What do you think?

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I think you can actually purchase pods and add them to your fuge instead of getting chaeto w/ pods. Dunno how cheap it is to purchase these and I have never bought any. So dont have any concrete evidence.

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Unless you can get the chaeto cheap, you may just want to buy pods in a bottle and drop that in your fuge. Usually the pods are $15-20 a bottle at my LFS which has been cheaper than shipping a ball of chaeto IME and you have a much larger pod explosion.

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Buy one get one free pods at reef2go.com.


I bought 500 and got 500 free but you can buy 1000 and get 1000 free as well.


I paid less than 30 shipped for mine.

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Mr. Microscope
Buy one get one free pods at reef2go.com.


I bought 500 and got 500 free but you can buy 1000 and get 1000 free as well.


I paid less than 30 shipped for mine.


WTF!! I just copied and pasted that into my browser and got a bunch of ad crap?! :angry:

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Bottled pods? Seems like something that would be dead in a bottle. Does it work? Could I add too much?


Every bottle I've seen has been clear and you can see them swim. Not sure on the shelf life though. As for adding too much, not a problem. You will generally have a huge explosion of pods if they don't have a natural predator in the tank. They slowly die off until a stable population is formed.

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Funktastic Wint

yeah u can buy bottled copepods called tigerpods at most lfs.


but i think u are right on track rt now. buy a big ball of chaeto from lfs sump and u will have lots of pods. worked for me!

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If your going to buy pods in a bottle I'd suggest reefpods and DT copepods. I added one of each to my tank and within about 3 weeks they were crawling all over my glass. I'd stay away from tigerpods they don't reproduce in aquariums for some reason.

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If your going to buy pods in a bottle I'd suggest reefpods and DT copepods. I added one of each to my tank and within about 3 weeks they were crawling all over my glass. I'd stay away from tigerpods they don't reproduce in aquariums for some reason.


My LFS said that tigerpods are from cold-water habitats and don't do well in our warm reef tanks.

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get some cheato from someone. you dont need much a small piece could be infested. someone you know or an lfs prob would trim some off for free. just be sure to check for other hitchhikers you may not want. ive seen the pod in a bottle thing... dont get the tigers they wont reproduce, they are really big, have huge teeth and claws, and cats hate water anyways.

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