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Changing out my substrate tomorrow


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I only have a cuc and 2 clowns right now, and my substrate is rather coarse. I plan on switching it out for something a little finer, here is my plan, let me know if you have any tips


1. empty the lr into a bucket and clean it of any attached cuc

2. put fish and cuc into another bucket, with a heater and the stock pump from my bc14 into it

3. drain aas much water as i can

4. scoop as much of current substrate out as i can.

5. add new substrate

6. place a plate or bowl onto the top of the sand, and slowly put the new sw into the tank (i am using the bowl to hopefully negate a huge sandstorm)

7. let it come up to temp

8. add rock and scape it

9. add fish.


I think i should be able to get all this done in .5 to 1 hours... any tips to keep me from disaster and killing my fish would be helpful

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good plan, i did something similar when i moved my biocube. it took me closer to two hours but everything did fine, wish i would have thought of using a bowl. looks like you know what you are doing. however beware of a ammonia or nitrate spike.

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good plan, i did something similar when i moved my biocube. it took me closer to two hours but everything did fine, wish i would have thought of using a bowl. looks like you know what you are doing. however beware of a ammonia or nitrate spike.

I got the tip about the bowl on a similar thread to this, I am thinking I may have an ammonia spike or something similar, the tank is fairly new (around 2.5 months) so I am hoping there wont be a huge spike, but I plan on monitoring it and I will have enough water to do 2 large (5 gallon) water changes at a time to keep ammonia under control. I only have the 2 5 gallon water jugs, but walmart is 5 min away, so i figure i can refill them daily if needed.

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I think it will still be pretty cloudy even using the bowl, just not as bad. Are you going to use new sw when you refill the tank or sw that you drained out? Maybe acclimate fish when you place them back in if using new sw.

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I think it will still be pretty cloudy even using the bowl, just not as bad. Are you going to use new sw when you refill the tank or sw that you drained out? Maybe acclimate fish when you place them back in if using new sw.

I was going to treat it like a water change somewhat, by using all but like 2 gallons of the current saltwater, and putting 2 or so gallons of new sw in. unless someone thinks i should do otherwise

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