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Coral gone brown?

Marine Man Tom

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Marine Man Tom

Hi guys, i have a kenya tree coral that i told you about in a previous post but after 1 week of being in the tank it has gone from pale pink to a darkened brown, not the dead colour but not pink if you get what i mean, its a mid coloured brown, not black or dark brown but its just changed colour over the past few days, i regularly dose with calcium (every water change) and my levels too keep are coral are all fine,

i have seen no flatworms iin the tank nor any coral eating pests,


Any ideas into why it has gone brown?

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Hi guys, i have a kenya tree coral that i told you about in a previous post but after 1 week of being in the tank it has gone from pale pink to a darkened brown, not the dead colour but not pink if you get what i mean, its a mid coloured brown, not black or dark brown but its just changed colour over the past few days, i regularly dose with calcium (every water change) and my levels too keep are coral are all fine,

i have seen no flatworms iin the tank nor any coral eating pests,


Any ideas into why it has gone brown?



Not really other than lighting differences between tanks. Also you shouldn't need to dose calcium for the kenya tree, only the stony corals will use significant amounts of cal/mag/alk

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Post a picture.

+1 to lighting changes being a possible reason.

+1 to not needing to dose calcium if the only coral in your tank is a Kenya Tree.

If you are adding any supplements to your tank (not that you need any in this case), you need to test for them. In fact you should test first so you know whether you need to add them or not and how much to add.

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