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D16 bin XR-E Royal Blue LED Vs. Unbinned XR-E Royal Blue LED

Mr. Microscope

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Mr. Microscope

Hello All,


I'm wondering about a few royal blue LEDs I purchased. I have one D16 bin XR-E RB that I ordered from LEDSupply, and some XR-E RBs from RapidLED.


LEDsupply says that the D16 bin output is 450nm wavelength. I understand that the rapidLED RB's are not binned, hence output between 450-465nm. Is there any other real difference between the two? I looked at the datasheet for Cree and couldn't find a D16 bin. I think it only said like bin D3, 4, and 5 or something like that.


I'm thinking I'll include the D16 in with three other RBs that I have on the same string. Does anyone see any problems with this?




Edit: I see the radiant flux is also different by 25 mW, but what the heck is that? Does is make a big difference?

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