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sump question


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What would be the min size refugium you would use for a 50g tank? Any DIY with using a glass tank and adding baffles or how far apart to place the baffles and where?

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What would be the min size refugium you would use for a 50g tank? Any DIY with using a glass tank and adding baffles or how far apart to place the baffles and where?


Doesn't matter what size the refugium is. You can run a small half gallon tub on the side of your tank and it would still work as a refugium. As long as it is seperated from your display tank and has no predators so microlife like pods can flourish, you are good to go.


No clue about the baffles. Like i said, it doesn't matter how large the area for the fuge is, so i guess you can put the baffles anywhere. Just look around for sump diagrams and look at other peoples sumps that have refugiums as a guide. That's what i did and my refugium came out great and worked perfectly.

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There is no minimum.

I hate when people ask what the minimum for ANYTHING is . . .


Go as big as money and space will allow, bigger IS better because, especially with a sump/fuge, it adds water volume to your system.

The only minimal requirement is to allow your equipment to fit where you want it, but . . .



if your skimmer is 8 inches wide, and you keep it in a space that is 8.5 inches wide, your gonna have problems when it comes to maintenence, get it?

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