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Coral Vue Hydros



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Got this guy in the mail today. Very little water in the bag. Looks kinda rough to me, but I have nee had one before. What do you guys think?




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These guys are tough even if it starts to die do not toss it. I had a fugia several years ago start to die (died back 90%) and formed isolated colonies. These colonies poped off a plate about once every 6 months and at the peak was putting out a new plate every 3 weeks. I think you are ok though because there is some testicle extension and there doesnt seem to be much mechanical damage.

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These guys are tough even if it starts to die do not toss it. I had a fugia several years ago start to die (died back 90%) and formed isolated colonies. These colonies poped off a plate about once every 6 months and at the peak was putting out a new plate every 3 weeks. I think you are ok though because there is some testicle extension and there doesnt seem to be much mechanical damage.


^Testicle extension :D :D :D



He should be fine, just give him some time.

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I think you are ok though because there is some testicle extension and there doesnt seem to be much mechanical damage.


thats what the nurse said to me when i took a bat to the nads....

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I agree with all of the above. If you have lugols iodine or another coral protectant type dip, I would dip it to prevent bacterial infection. Otherwise just leave it alone and give it some time. Feed is some mysis (or any food really) with the powerheads off for a bit

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Thanks guys. I put some mysis on it, but my clown, psuedohromis and cleaner shrimp stole most of it. We'll see where it is at in a few days.

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