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250w Metal Halide on fluval edge?


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i have a "spare" 250w metal halide and was wondering what u thought about it on a fluval edge? would it be more of an overkill? i know id halfto monitor the temp, but from a too much light view? or would it be good to use? thanks for the advice

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is it going to have a negative effect on the tank or is just not nessisary to use that much? i dont want to do harmfull things to it, but if its just a matter of not needing all that light? i wouldn't choose to buy a new fixture that big, but since i have one, it would be great to put it to use.

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i think it will way to much...i have a 250 halide on my 30 gallon and sometimes i wonder if i have to much..but hey man give it a shot, never know till you try..

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fry my pretties!! yeah man ive got a 250 over my 40 br and its pretty bright!


Fluval edge would become your source for boiling water when making tea or coffee

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As far as light is concerned, it wouldn't be an issue. Tide pools are lit by the sun.


You're real issues are heat control (7 gallons, right?) and extended periods of light acclimation. Go over to the hardware section and trade for a 150w.

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Perfect if you have the light 5ft above the tank... The edge is enclosed which would add to your heat problem. Way overkill. 150 would work depending on the height of the fixture... Or you can go LEDs for good lighting and less heat issues.

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i slid the legs in on it and completely removed the stock hood and lights. im gonna go see what other options i can try today. may go find a low watt bulb to swap in there? ill take a snap shot today and post it.

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i put the metal halide on and yeah its ALOT OF RAYS!!!! so i desided to go with the led strips. im waiting for another all blue one to come before i have my canopy. im gonna do the 2 led strips 1all blue (waiting arrival) and 1-1/2blue 1/2white strips, and a 2-way fan,

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