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Coral Vue Hydros

can i put cyanoacrylate glue (superglue) directly into a tank?


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ive got about 50 medium to large vermetid's in my tank and they are starting to annoy some of my small sofites (star polyps and softies). I know feeding less will keep them at bay but it doesnt seem to work for some of the hardier ones (who can produce a 6 inch string of mucus) and my inverts start to look longingly at each other and my fish if they dont get enough food.


can i stick a tube of superglue (which i use for gluing frags) into the tank and squirt it into the vermetid tubes? taking out the afflicted rocks would mean a nearly 100% dissasembly of my aquascape.


i want to fry these b@$&@%*s!

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If you do decide to do it, use the gel type. Else wise you'll have thin strands of superglue floating through your tank which your fish will surely nip at.

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If you do decide to do it, use the gel type. Else wise you'll have thin strands of superglue floating through your tank which your fish will surely nip at.



yes if you need to glue anything in your tank, use the gel version and try to be as clean as possible. a longtime ago i glued some frags and my yellow tang decided it wanted to try out one of the frags and its mouth was completely covered with super glue gel. had to catch him and gently take all the super glue off of its mouth total pita. and yes no harm from using super glue in the tank for the corals or fish

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