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Ultra Cheap Nano-Reef : Please help.


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I know it hould go without saying, but when using the strip type tests be sure to take water out of the tank to test rather than just dipping the strip into your tank (nasty chemicals). Kind of a no brainer, but sometimes the simplest things don't come to mind.


Also be sure to keep them out of reach of your kids or any onther pets you have (really goes for all test kits).

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not that it's my business, but waiting 3 years to be able to spend $142 sounds completely ridiculous. perhaps you should spend your time more wisely.

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not that it's my business, but waiting 3 years to be able to spend $142 sounds completely ridiculous. perhaps you should spend your time more wisely.


Perhaps having some truly hard times in your life would make it easier for you to understand.


I must admit that I'm very happy with my life other than her hurting. Things don't get much better than having a wonderful wife, and an incredible baby son! =)

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I don't know where you are from, but if you can find a local marine club and/or the local reef keeping forum, you can possibly get some great deals on LS, LR, corals, fish, etc. I see things for sale on my local board at easily half what the stores sell them for if not more. Good luck.

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I don't think that it's ridiculaous at all. Some of us have the ability to just go out and buy what ever we want and some of us don't. If it's something that you really want then it is worth the time. Also I don't see how spending time more wisely has anything to do with having the cashflow to set something up. They are totally different things. I also think that for somone who obviously has a decent amount of stress in their life the reef hobby is an excellent way of relaxing.


Isaka is definitely correct. If there are any clubs etc in your area they can be great places to make contacts and get great deals. As you build up your tank you may find yourself in a situation where you can frag some corals and trade them with others to increase your variety.

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What a great subject! I have been setting up a 10 gal tank for about a month now. I found this site just yesterday and have learned so much! I too am setting up this tank on a limited budget, I went to my LFS today and got 4 ponds of LR. I would like to seed my own not LR too. I have about 2 1/2" of live sand. I bought this big bag of it at Petco and couldn't use just half of it!! lol Now better lighting is the next step I guess. At the moment I am just using what came with my 10 gallon hood. I would like to get the CustomSeaLife 14 SmartLite Retrofit to replace my old light. Any one have a better choice to share? I am open to suggestions.


So far so fun! I am so existed to have my LR, I keep looking at it to see if anything new has happened in the last hour ;) So from what I have read so far, the next thing to get after my rock has cycled is the cleaning crew? Ok well now that I have rambled on forever.... GREAT SITE!



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Welcome Winter.


You will see several money saveing steps in this thread. Also check out the DIY section. Keep in mind that while DIY sometimes looks cheaper it isn't always. For lighting check out Hello Lights.




Basically shop around a bit. Think about what you want to keep before you make a big purchase.


There are plenty of good ideas on this board, it just takes time to use the search tool.


Good luck

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I want to also agree with hellolights. I got my order from them about 3 weeks ago and the packing was awesome and there were no issues.


Also in the DIY section, checkout the daylight bulbs from home depot. I'm using them in combination with my hellolights order to light my 20 tall...it takes time, but it's worth it!


Have fun!

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Are you referring to the "curly cue" lights? Anyone have a favorite brand of light? I went to Lowe's and looked around and they have a million different types.


I was planning on a Aqualight, but now I may go with a DIY hood.

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Are you referring to the "curly cue" lights? Anyone have a favorite brand of light? I went to Lowe's and looked around and they have a million different types.


Lowes does not have them, go to Home Depot.


Look in the lighting section for them, just check all the 19w bulbs and look for the one that says "6500k" (even the bulb itself says 6500k on it) The brand is "Commercial Electric"

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