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Ultra Cheap Nano-Reef : Please help.


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Now I'm thinking smaller and slower while I continue to read about setup and maintenance while looking at 10 - 15 gallons...


The biggest thing you can do to cut prices is to make a DIY PC light setup... While it will not be able to keep Clams, it's a huge price cut.


Just wondering, would it be possible to keep clams under PC lighting if you had something crazy like 200 watts on a 10 gal?


Or do they need the higher wavelengths?


(I'm not doing that, just wondering how far PC lights can go.)

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I have not even started researching lights yet, but I am going to Walmart today to check out basic glass tanks...not planning on clams at all (I've read enough here to be concerned about the lighting requirements) and like I said, this thread is awesome!

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I have also done a cost analysis on lighting fixtures. In my particular case, I am buying a commercially made light - the Coralife Aqualight 96W for about $95.


A 96W retrofit is probably $60 or more, by the time you pay for material to build a light (wood/plastic , paint, etc), exhaust fans to keep it cool, plus the time involved to assemble the light, you've spent $100 anyway. The Aqualight has a nice aluminum body, reflector, and already has 4 built in fans.


If you aren't making a high wattage light though, you can get great deals on stuff at Home Depot, etc to make a very econmical light fixture.


I'd go ahead and get a general set of test equipment. I don't like the idea of using health of the tank as an indicator. I've got some spare test stuff I can send you if you send me your address - PM me. I've got a set of DryTab tests, some of the FASTest series, a SeaChem marine kit, and some SeaTest kits.

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Well, I just got back from the home depot with:


1 X Commercial Electric 19w 6500K bulb. $7.97 each

1 X Outlet to Socket adaptor. $1.90 each (will pick up more as I add in lights later)

6 X Standard outlet. $0.45 each


Total: $13.32 (final total will be ~$23.00 after the other light and adaptor.)


I have some 2 X 4 scrap already, and will be using this to start setting up my Hood.




As you can see, this is plans for adding in 6 PC lights.


For now I'll just have 2 X 19w, then add in more lights as I get the money (just plug in the adaptor and screw in the bulb).


This way, I'm able to add more light later without wasting money or time. When I go to add in more light, the last thing I want to do is to spend 5 hours and $25.00 adding them in. This way, when I can afford to buy more lights I just plug in the adaptor and screw in the bulb. =)


I'm going to use a 2X4 frame, and then covering the top with plywood.

I'll paint the outside with some leftover paint I have. (latex safe?)

I'll line the inside with aluminum foil and/or possibly add a mirror on the inside of the top.

I'll have a glass shield covering the bottom of the hood to protect the lights from the salt.

I'll place the hood directly on the top of the aquarium (good idea? bad idea?)


I have 2 old power supplies I'm thinking of ripping the fans out of for the two fans.


How much power do they need?

Any suggestions on how to run them? (I assume that household current is way to much power.)


Or could I do without fans? (probably not)


As always, feel free to add in suggestions or advice. =)

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Hmm, I can scrounge up 2 computer fans, and just use a computer powersupply to power the fans.


(I probably have like 5 computer cases in my house.)


That should work very well. =)



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pc power supply fans move some serious air, but they can sometimes be loud. If you have a couple, you may want to trial and error all of them for the quieter ones.. I'm a computer nerd, and I know some of them can be horrible!!



I'm picking up my 10 gallon @ walmart tomorrow!!! I'll be right behind you!!

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pc power supply fans move some serious air, but they can sometimes be loud


very good point! =)


I remember replacing one of the power supplies I had a few years ago because the fan was just THAT loud... I'll try some our before I put them in. (no ripping on out later that way)


Good Luck with yours =) ..

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I wouldn't go without test kits, or can you see when you have NO3 spikes, high ammonia, etc... That and lights are things not to go cheap on when reefing... jmho though...


as far as 200W of PC lighting go, a clam might do ok, but it is certainly NOT the right environment. They do need strong lighting, but mostly the SPECTRUM and water params are important...


oh and I mentioned buying Saltwater at the LFS on page one too... ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...


$7.97 = Commercial Electric 19w 6500K bulb.

$2.80 = 6 X Standard outlet. $0.45 each

$1.90 = 1 Outlet to Socket adaptor.

$6.50 = 5 X 1.30 Outlet to Socket adaptor. (was cheaper at Wal-Mart)

$7.32 = 3 X 2x4 spruce $2.44

$7.06 = 2 X 1x6x6 $4.53

$6.99 = 94lb bag of Portland I/II cement

$2.50 = 50lb bag of playsand (yes, it is silica)

$6.99 = 50lb bag of crushed oyster

$1.24 = Glass Thermometer






$0.00 = 2 X Computer Fan

$0.00 = 1 X 12v powersupply

$0.00 = 10x20 Glass

$0.00 = 10 Gallon Tank

$0.00 = 2 X Powerheads

$0.00 = 1 X HOB filter (might be to small to use)

$0.00 = 1/2 Box of Wood Flooring (used for stand, VERY nice looking)

$0.00 = Scrap Trim

$0.00 = Scrap Paint

$0.00 = Scrap Wiring

$0.00 = Cheap Extention Cord


$0.00 Total



~$3.00 = Half Used Water Test Kit (Paying for shipping, not sure how much it was yet)


$3.00 Total


Still need:

$16.49 = Ebo-Jager Heater -100 Watt

$6.99 = Hydrometer

$15.95 = IO salt mix (50lbs)

$12.00 = TBS LR 2lbs $6.00 lb

$2.00 = TBS LS

$7.97 = 1 X 6500k 19w PC light


$61.40 Total




27.90 = 2 X 20w 50/50 13..95 each

27.90 = 2 X 20w Actinic 13..95 each


55.80 Total



Final Total:


$10.29 Tax


$181.76 Total for EVERYTHING .. RL/LS, Stand, Hood, 118w lighting( 38w 6500k, 20w 10,000k, 60w actinic 03) The lighting should be about as good as you can get without MH! =)



I have the Hood and Stand already built, and my sister is painting a reef scene on the hood. (I love her work)

I have the DIY LR Curing.


I'm using silica playsand for the LS. After a LOT of research I've found that silica sand isn't bad in itself, it just doesn't help as a ph buffer.


After a lot of reading at GARF I decided to use DIY live rock. I'll seed it with some TBS LR/LS, and in time it will become a very nice tank. =)

It's cheaper

It's Personal - I make it, I shape it, I design it, ect...

And I want a LOT of rock in my tank.


I also may make some to sell on e-bay. If I sell it cheap I should be able to make both myself, and someone else very happy. It would be nice to have my tank pay for itself!


The only real drawback I see to this rock is that it takes ~6 weeks before you even think of placing it in a tank.


So, that's how things stand now.


Still ~$62 to go before I have the tank up and running, and another ~$58 after that for the full lighting =)


I expect to be very happy with what the result will be though! =)



ps: Jim J - I ended up going with your DIY LR suggestion as you can see


pps: my LFS doesnt sell premixed water =(

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You can get a test kid from wal-mart made by a company called "Jungle" for $10. It tests Nitrate/Nitrite, pH, and alkalinity. They just strips you dip in the water and compare them to a color chart. I find them to be very accurate fo what they are. You get 25 strips.




PS - Reef tanks don't happen over night. Just take it slow and easy and get as much free coral as you can from friends.

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You can get a test kid from wal-mart made by a company called "Jungle" for $10. It tests Nitrate/Nitrite, pH, and alkalinity. They just strips you dip in the water and compare them to a color chart. I find them to be very accurate fo what they are. You get 25 strips.


That's very nice! =)


The only thing I would still need is ammonia test strips... And I could probably go without those. =)

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with $124 u can get a nice goldfish tank or just wait till you stack up more $$$ . with $124 for a nano reef tank? hmm thats immposible.

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with $124 u can get a nice goldfish tank or just wait till you stack up more $$$ . with $124 for a nano reef tank? hmm thats immposible.


Actually that is possible,


It's only when I decided that I wanted to get 118w lighting that I went over budget, but the over budget lighting is something I can buy in $13 pieces. =)



In fact if I was happy with only shroom level lighting and didn't care about making a nice stand, I would have it for much less than that.


$98.29 to be exact. (that with local prices)



Or, if I wanted better lighting, $153.10 with 100w 50/50 ..


Or, if I wanted a nice matching stand/hood, 118w lighting, then It would be $171.47 (what I went with) =)


However, I already had a 10g tank and powerhead... If I didn't have those it would be $120 - $200 depending on lighting and stand/hood.

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Another option for LS is crushed oyster shell. Many garden centers sell it for garden calcium and some feed shops sell it for chickens to use in their crop. I came across some that was really white and pretty fine not too long ago. Just shooting you a different option.


I agree that it is possible to set up a nano for a small amount of cash. Especially if you already have some of the equipment on hand and can DIY stuff. At some point in the future you may want to add an auto topoff system. You can build one for about $14. I honestly think that the most expensive part tends to be lighting, but there are ways around that as you have already found out. Now just take it slow and everything will work out great.


Congrats BTW. I hope it works out well and best wishes to your wife.

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Another option for LS is crushed oyster shell.  


Good to know.. Sad to say, the only stuff here is to large for LS, but it looks like it will make some very nice DIY LR (<-- silver lining)


I'll keep that in mind though.

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Laeelin, you are kicking much @ss!!! Hadn't seen your original post in a while, but glad to hear things are coming together! I have my setup about ready to go in the next month or two. I got some giftcards for my Birthday to home depot that I have used to buy lumber and some lighting.


I boutght one of these from hellolights.com:




with the 55/65 watt 10k/act03


That plus two of the 6500k lights from depot should have my lighting covered...


Your plan looks solid! Do you have a digital camera? Throw some pics out here if you can!



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Do you have a digital camera? Throw some pics out here if you can!


I will as soon as my sister finishes painting the hood. (I hope I can do her art justice!)


I boutght one of these from hellolights.com:




with the 55/65 watt 10k/act03


That's VERY nice.


If I hadn't already finished the hood I'd be tempted to change over! =)

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If you are in need of a decent reflector I would recomend mylar. It's cheap and reflects up to 98% of the light that hits it. You can glue or staple it in place. They sell it at hydroponic shops and it is also the stuff that those silvery safety blanket are made out of. Just another thing to consider.

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If you do ever decide to go with those nitrate/nitrite/pH test strips, cut them in half... you get twice as many for the same price. Makes them a little thin but still readable.

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If you do ever decide to go with those nitrate/nitrate/pH test strips, cut them in half... you get twice as many for the same price. Makes them a little thin but still readable.


That's a nice money saving tip!

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not that it's my business, but waiting 3 years to be able to spend $142 sounds completely ridiculous. perhaps you should spend your time more wisely.

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