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Coral Vue Hydros

Floating algae what do i do?


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i have had my tank for about 2 months and i have allways had a fair amount of algae but now i have some floating on top of the water. i don't know if this is algae that cam up after i scraped it or what. the algae is a brownish green colour if that helps!

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You really need to provide more info about your tank, but here are some general tips if algae is a problem:

1. Use R/O water

2. Do NOT use Red Sea salt.

3. Do NOT overfeed

4. Check for nitrites/nitrates and do 25% water change if too high (nitrite should be 0 and nitrate should be under 20).

5. Check the water for phosphates - if too high use Phosban to remove.

6. Do 10% weekly water changes.

7. Add macroalgaes or a refugium.

8. Consider increasing water flow in the tank (i.e. add a powerhead)


As for stuff floating on the top of the water - you can use a net or a cup and "skim it" out.

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Ditto to what tempest said.


It's probably a diatom algae or a slime algae. Look at your nitrite/nitrate and phosphates and reduce them accordingly to remove the algal food source. It might also help to reduce your lighting cycle briefly for a week. Cut the lights back to 8 hours on/16 off if this is a serious "bloom."


If unicellular algae is in the water column itself, you can employ some fine sieved mechanical filtration for a water polishing effect. Use a hang-on filter with a lot of filter floss, a poly-pad, or even a cannister filter with a micron sleve. I once had a completely green tank (free floating algal bloom) and used a magnum H.O.T. for one hour with the micron sleve, and it totally cleared it up.


Scoop the goop and toss it.

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