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Cultivated Reef

12 gallon cube = problems


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ok i got the JBJ Nano cube, and the whole think is completely covered, how the freak do i add my small little air drivin skimmer and a heater! WTF? There is no open space! OMG lol

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I put my heater in the back 3rd compartment from the left. I don't use a skimmer...I don't think you need one.


I think the cube is great...just get a microjet 606 submersible water pump and you're set.

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I did the same, removed all media and added the heater in the third compartment, aswell as the 606 for the sump and a 404 in the tank. I think with weekly waterchanges the need for a skimmer can be avoided. But never the less try a search for skimming and JBJs mebe someone has posted a set up.



Hey Slick... where in SoCal you located? Im in Costa Mesa.

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My advice to you is to make sure that you keep the back area completely free of rock and sand. That back area is a ditritus haven. You will need to suck out the area clean once a month or else you will never stop having algae problems.

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acoustic- no live rock in the back? everyone else is doing it! I'm playing follow the leader. Are you my new leader? j/k. I got one and a half compartments full of it. should I take it all out?

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Interesting take Acoustic. I run LR back there and my water is crystal clear. I've never had any algae at all. Went through a 3 day diatom bloom on the sand, but that's normal. No skimmer, weekly water changes of 2+ gallons.

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i'm going to be doing like 2.5 gallon water changes each week, so it should be good, i looked and there is an little opening in the back for the cords to come out of, so thats kool thanx all

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