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Coral Vue Hydros

I am new to this game but want to start a 10g


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Ok so Im starting to get the hang of fresh water, now Im wanting a new challange. All the people I have talked to on other sites tell me this is going to be too much of a challenge for a begginer, I live for chanllenges. It just makes things more interesting, and I learn better and faster challenging myself.I would like to put together a 10g tank with a pair of Clown fish, or maybe a couple other small salt water fish, or maybe a clown and something else. What kind of equipment do I need? What type of filter should I get? Other then filter and heater is there any other equipment I need? I read something about a protien skimmer. Do I need one of these, and if I do what do these do? How much live sand and live rock do I need? Also can someone explain to me what live sand and live rock actually are. All I really can seem to understand is it helps with the bio filtration. Do filters for freshwater tanks work for saltwater? They have a kit at the fish store that comes with a penguin bio wheel and heater. Should I get this then just buy any other equipment I need? What tempurature should I keep the tank at? How much light do I need for a FOWLR? Im sure I am gonna come up with a bunch more questions but this should help get me started.




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So you like challenges? Hmmmm well......how much $$$ you got? hahaha. I'm tired but I'll try to answer this as well as I can


You'll want about 1-1.5lbs per gallon of sand and LR. For a FO tank there is no requirement on lights, a normal 15watt NO blub from a normal strip will do fine. I'd look into an AquaClear HOB filter. No you don't need a skimmer, you'll use water changes instead.


Basicly I'll say this....you need to do a lot more reading before you attempt this. If you feel you need to get started right away, go buy yourself some RO/DI water or distilled and some salt. Buy a hydrometer and mix it up to 1.025 and let that mix for a week while you read. Then add your sand, read some more. Get your rock.....read some more. By now you should know what a cycle is and what happens, so you'll want to be using test kits you've gotten by reading about them. Basicly FO just pH, ALK, Ammonia, Nitrite and maybe nitrate, if you can buy a master kit you'll save money. But start reading and check back with us when you have more questions that you can't find.

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hi Mikedel

you from Austin eh? i'm from houston,tx, if u has a chance to come to houston, i'll bring you to one of my buddy , he has a Salwater shop. i can hoook you up, when u decide to set up your 10 G, i has two 10 G that i dont use, you welcome to has one, just give me 5 buck's, hehe

here is what you need to decide, do you want a fish only aqurium, or maybe a few coral ??


there a button up on the top , said "Search" type in 10G setup, there a tons of imformation that you need to know b4 setup a saltwater tank....heheh and Chronicles, he ask you how much $$ do you have, is a very important resources that u needs to have too....

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are there lighting requirments for live rock, or can I use the same regular floresent lighting?

I have decided to go out and get the tank kit, live sand, live rock, salt and a hydrometer. I will set it all up and let things settle for awhile. I got a birthday coming up in a couple months and will wait till the to add the clown fish.

I also read that if you have 2 clown fish together the larger will morphe into a female. Did I read this right?

Would I be better off with a clown fish and a damsel or a pair of one or the other?

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If you can wait. Read this board and the articles for a week before purchasing anything. You will change your mind on the setup you want 3 X a day for that whole week (I know I did). You also might avoid some mistakes people make when they don't have all the facts about keeping a nano-reef. I don't want to say throw out all the info concerning freshwater, but it is a totally different ball game. IMO nano-reefing is not hard, but it requires patience, studying, and attention to detail. Good luck , this is a rewarding (and expensive) hobby :P

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has anyone seen these and or used them? It is on DrFoster&Smiths website, called a Nano Cube. I was wondering if anyone had seen them or used them, If they were worth getting.






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This is the 12 gallon nano cube, correct? I'm very interested in this one as well, I'm just trying to figure out how I would attach a skimmer. Plus, I'd probably want to retrofit the lighting, if possible, as I'm interested in keeping corals of some sort (haven't decided what yet).


I'm curious to know if anyone has this setup also!



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Yes its the 12 gallon nano cube. It comes with everything I need to setup a FOWLR except for the heater and live sand right? I dont want to keep any corals anytime soon. I just want to have a couple fish with some live rock for looks and filtration. It comes with a 24w compact flouresent light. Is this going to be enough light for me?

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I am in the process of building a 10 gallon. Here is what I did/have. 10 gallon tank, Aqua Clear 300 converted to a fuge (do a search on how to do it), CPR Bak Pak skimmer ( to skim or not to skim "IS THE QUESTION". Some say yes, some say no, its up to you and what you want to spend.), small power head. For lights, I had a bunch of 48 inch JBJ lights laying around so I cut them up and built a hood for the tank and stuffed them under it, If you go with the skimmer you will also need to take into account that it is taller then your tank. You need to have your tank sitting so that the skimmer can hang below the tank a few inches, again I built a stand for the tank so this wasnt a problem. One thing I would like to suggest. The whole time I was building my light hood and stand I had water in the tank with my sand bed and about 7 or 8 pounds of live rock, and my fuge only running. This gave the tank plenty of time to cycle while I was building the stuff and reading as much as I could. It was probably running like that for 8 or 10 weeks. Doing it that way the tank was ready to go when I was ready to go. Good luck. This is the best place to find info or get your questions answered.

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Any one interested in the JBJ Nanocubes feel free to email me. Im running one right now and it is working out great - though still early in the process. Im in So. Cal and a lot of the LFS are running them as well with great success - even with the stock lighting you can do softies and zoos and such.


Like i said email if interested - im hooked up with the owner of an LFS who is working direct with the manufacturer and he has a large order of cubes that are arriving with upgraded lights and fans straight from the maker. The ETA is middle March.



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Well I took the financial plunge. I have got just about everything I need to get started. I just have to make sure to hide the reciept from my fiance. Here is what I've got so far.



Thirty pounds live sand (probably wont need that much. anyone want some?)

Instant Ocean Salt mix


test kit

Protien skimmer

2 50 watt heaters (wasnt sure if I should 1 or have 2 so I would have a back up)

Rena Air air pump

gang valve and check valve


Im stopping by the LFS tomorrow at lunch to get jugs and water. Anything else I need to pick up while I am there?





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I know its not saltwater, but I was wondering if I could post a couple pictures of my freshwater tank so I can show yall what I have accomplished so far? I see everyone sharing their pictures and since I dont have any saltwater pictures yet I was wondering if this would be ok.





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Mike: I, for one, am always interested in photos. :) I am following your thread with interest because I am a newbie and would also like to set up a nano tank.


I'd love to see your freshwater tank as well....

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So can you guys give the names of a few small fish that would be good for me to start out with? That way I can start looking into them while I set up my tank and get it running.





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40oz casualtie

hey mike that 12g tank that u were looking at is a gret idea.

i currently have a 25g reef/fish tank but i really wanna get a smaller nano-tank.

that 12g tank has wet/dry biological filtration.

if i was to get that tank i wood put a small underground filter w/ power heads, a tronic heater, and a thermometer.

you should put mixed salt water in it let it run for 2 days or so and then start adding crushed coral, live sand and live rock & corals if u want fish get damsel

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I have started a 10g tank about 2 weeks ago. I have not had any type of aquarium since I was a little kid. We started off with a smaller aquarium using the logic "if I can make 10g's work, I can make anything work".


If you like visit our website at www.crookshideaway.com as I am posting my experiences as we go. I hope it will benefit other new people to see what has happened to us.

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Originally posted by Mikedel

I just have to make sure to hide the reciept from my fiance.  Here is what I've got so far.





Ah yes, welcome to reef keeping.....



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For my substrate, should I use live sand exclusively or should I mix some crushed coral in with it? By the way I am probably gonna have more then I know what to do with. Its a 30lbs bag so if anyone needs any let me know. I think Im probably going to end up with a pair of gobys maybe. I was also interested in the flasher wrasses. Does anyone know who might have these in town? I flipped through the Pocket Guide of Marine FIshes and came with a list of possable fish.






-Yellow head

-Gold Spec

Banggai Cardinal

Flasher Wrasses



-Dot and Dash




-Red Sea Mimic


-Yellow Clown

-Randall Shrimp



-Black Ray

-White Ray

Fire Fish




Also here are the shots of my 55 gallon FW for those of you who are interested.





Hope you enjoy and thanks for your help,


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