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Cultivated Reef

is it possible?


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Is it possible to keep a blue carpet anemone in my 12 gal jbj nano cube with the stock lighting? the guy at the lfs said it would be alright and ever since i've seen it i just have to have it. btw, still cycling.

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Whoa - back it up a bit seaker.


Still cycling and already asking about anemones? Maybe you should start asking in a year or so when your nano is well established and the anemone has a chance at living for more than a month.


The best thing you can do for your nano is take it s-l-o-w.


BTW, this is your first salt setup right?


Just my two cents worth.



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Slow down buddy....still cycling and you want to drop an anemone in there!?!?! The guy at your LFS apparently has very little knowledge about carpet and cycling. You CANNOT keep a carpet with that lighting or your with your current water status. You also never mentioned how large this carpet was (even though I'd say no anyhow....lol)


Take it slow......



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I don't think carpets are begginer animals. MAYBE a bubble-tipped anemone when the tank is at least a year old, assuming you would be doing more research during that time. Also remember that they move where they want and may sting corals if your planning on any.

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I know I can't just throw it in right now. I was just wondering if the light was going to be enough in the future. I am taking it slow. I have been reading about reef tanks and what I have to do for a little over a year now and just now barely got a nano cube. Most people also say you shouldn't start out with a tank smaller than a fifty gal but I've read people here are doing it. I think its kinda funny that you all think I was just gonna throw it in while its still cycling. lfs guy was telling me I could put hermit crabs in right now, but its only the 7 day and there isn't algea growing. so I'm waiting. thanks for answering my 1 question PHysh1.

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If you were really set on a carpet, then that would be the only thing I put in there. I am sure you have seen how big those things can get. Good luck with your tank.

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"Still cycling and already asking about anemones? Maybe you should start asking in a year or so when your nano is well established and the anemone has a chance at living for more than a month."



you telling me I shouldn't ask now. what does it hurt. Now I know I need better lighting and that If I did want one it would be the only thing I should put in there. My question didn't hurt. I saw a clown fish with that anemone and thought it would be great to have that combo. I'll just wait till I get a bigger tank. I'm sorry if I sound like an a$$ but I saw something I liked it so I'm asking. Are ya saying if I go into a lfs and see an amazing reef, I shouldn't ask if, someday, I could get something that was in the tank. Or ask what the different things are and what they need to survive. Ha ha I am an a$$. A smart a$$. please forgive me for I know not what I do

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