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Coral Vue Hydros

what ARE moonlights?


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Hye. Are moonlights a type of lighting? B/c some sources say that you can substitute them with normal blue lights (ex: christmas lights etc). There are some with outrageous prices and I wanted to make sure before I jump ahead. Thanks 4 the help!

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basically they're blue LEDS. You can go to walmart and get a blue led nightlight around 5$ rip out the stupid plexiglass character on it (like moon or rabbit) and youve got a moonlight. Mount it and just ran an extension cord to it.

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go to the lighting section and look around, there's a small section of them. If you can't find them ask someone working there. I got mine for $1.68.

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Hello again.. I've found that TARGET has moon lights too. They have like 1/2 an aisle of LED light stuff (srting lights, nite lights, mood lights etc) all the stuff for moonlighting except the prices range from 8 bucks to 12 so its more spensive than walmart but they have a broader range of stuff. Just wanted you too know;)

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