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10 gallon Nano-Reefing


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I'm interested in setting up a nano-reef and have read through the information (guides) on the site. I am new to Saltwater Aquariums, but have two thriving freshwater tanks. I want to set up a 10 gallon nano-reef tank using LS and LR as filtration and was wondering if this is unreasonable for someone who has never dealt with saltwater tanks. Basically, is this out of my league or can I do it? I was hoping for honest opinions, so any feedback would be great.




Kevin Dubrow

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i don't see why not. as long as you plan it out ahead of time and don't get discouraged you should be able to hack it. it was different a few years back when nanoreefers had to go 'underground'. people actively discouraged reefers from going below the 55g limit. i remember avoiding letting anyone know how small my smallest tank was at the time (6g).


read up on the articles and some basic SW books (there are differences from FW). learn to recognize the critical issues in SW and nanos and you should be fine. good luck!

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you can totally do it...and you are going to love it....here are a couple tips....you are going to need to do a lot of regular maintenence because a small tank evaporates a lot and needs a lot of attention, if somehting is going wrong its going to mess up everything up fast...dont go cheap...get the best equiptment you think you ever might want, because i guarentee you will buy it eventually so you might as well just get it now, this hobby is VERY addicting, a lot more than freshwater....Read a lot, all the good information is out there and available, you just need to go and get it, its better to learn from others mistakes than to make them yourself...and finially...more filtratration, and more lighting means more fun, biological and mechanical filtration are a must if you want to avoid the algea you will get with you high powered lights that are keeping your clams happy ;)...PM me if you ever have any questions....i ahve a 10 gallonwith a 175 watt halide over it, a HOB skimmer, and a HOB mechanical filter.



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You sound just like I did about a year ago. I say go for it. I've got 2 fresh aquariums (an African cichlid tank and a planted tropical tank). I was always discouraged by people saying how much more 'work' it is to keep a salt water aquarium. I ended up getting a standard 10 gal for my first setup about a year ago and I love it. Expect to spend a few extra bucks and a bit of extra work, but if you've been successful in keeping a freshwater tank, then a nano should be no problem - its a bit of extra work, but not overwhelming.



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Thanks for you input guys. This is just what I wanted to hear, that it isn't difficult if you are willing to put in the extra work. Glad that I'm not the only one who had these concerns when starting. Hopefully, after I figure out what I want to do with the tank, I'll have it cycling and then who knows.


Thanks again,


Kevin Dubrow

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I just finished settign my 10 gallon last week. Do yourself a favor and be weary of what, if any, advice you get from your LFS, unless you know them well. LFS usually tell people not to do it. I set one up in my office and everyone stops by and ask about it. PM me if you want more details

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