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Something Hates my fish

Bunky Squid

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Bunky Squid

if anyone still reads this forum, i have some sort of virus or parasite


to start... when I was cycling my tank 2 months ago, I had a domino damsel-- i wouldn't use fish to cycle in the future, didnt realize it was inhumane at the time. He eventually died- but before he did die his spine had developed a permanent kink in it, he breathed really fast, and he had little white warts on his fins and head.

does anyone know what this is? i did a bunch of water changes and the tank sat empty, only LR and LS for about 3 weeks before I risked any thing else. then i put in a cleaner shrimp and 2 turbo snails and a reef hermit. they did fine... well one of the turbos fell on his back and the hermit got him.

about 5 days ago i added two ~.5" green chromis. one died today, but he was showing the really rapid breathing and was mainly motionless in the tank for a day and a half prior.


Do I need to start over with all new water, or is it something I can cure in the tank. My hopes were to take everything from this 10 gallon tank and move it to a 25 gallon in the next week or two, but now Im wondering if I want to start a larger tank with possibly tainted water/rock/sand/ and inverts.

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Bunky Squid



my pH, nitrites, salinity, temp, ammon were all fine. Nitrates were possibly as high as 20ppm which I tried to fix with a water change. this was all yesterday

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It's unlikely, but the first thing I'd check is the dissolved oxygen, as low levels will easily make fish breathe faster and become lethargic.


As for what killed the domino.... it's a tough one. I've never seen a fish get a kink in its spine (aside from ones born with defects, or deflated swim bladders). My guess would be viral, if the warty-looking spots appear solid (as opposed to whispy or cotton-like).


Fish can usually find off viruses themselves with the help of a good diet and high water quality. Supplement the food with a HUFA additive like Selco, and possibly garlic.


On the off chance that it is fungal, I'd say put a little malachite green in your tank, and go at least two water changes before adding corals.


Good luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dont be ignorant Dave- the white spots were probably Crypto- (Ich) and the kinked spine sound like a broken one. Sometimes happens through rough handeling, attack, or it ran into something.

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