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nano-reef skimmer?


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hi all...i'm new to this forum...very useful info here.

I have a 5 gallon eclipse tank with mighty-mite retrofit light, zoos, branching green stars, various mushrooms, and a pearly jawfish. i've had excellent luck so for about a year with it. i've been told i need a skimmer with it, which i dont have and am contemplating hooking one up.

what brand is recommended for a nano?

thanks all, karen

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I've got a 12 gal. thats been running for I guess a year now. Just a few months ago I removed the skilter from it due to it leaking. I haven't noticed any ill effects from taking off the skimmer. I only have a redlip blennie w/cleanup crew and 13 different corals so I don't have alot of waste in the tank. IMO if your tank been doing fine why change it.

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I am a strong beleiver that frequent water changes on a tank smaller than 20 gallons allows you to forgo a skimmer. I have an extremely successful via aqua 12 gallon. I have never skimmed the tank. I do get some surface film if I do not perform a small water change every week. I also hate to see equiptment clutter up tanks. I recently saw a picture of a 10 gallon nano that was so cluttered with equiptment it took away from the beauty of the inhabitants.

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can you show us a link to that 10 gallon you mentioned? I was going to put a BakPak but it didn't fit, so I have decided to forgo a skimmer and just do my weekly water changes.

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thanks all...i think i'll forget about the skimmer...i just didnt know if it was somthing that was needed or if my tank was missing out on something wonderful..hehe...i just did a water test, everything was perfect. i''ll post pics when i get my camera....thanks again!

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