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Pod Your Reef

GOODgREEF 26g Bowfront LED Reef


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  • 3 months later...

Hey here's an update on my tank.


It's been on cruise control for a couple of months. Just doing water changes and little big of algae scrubbing.

I've lost a few corals like SPS, LPS Brain, cleaner shrimp died and gave away my Favia because it was getting pick to death by the Blenny. I've added just an Acan, Rics and some zoas. I'm having a minor problem with algae especially the ones that are in between my palys and zoas. I'm thinking of doing the peroxide dip, but I think they are goners because they are staying closed. Might frag the good polyps and start off fresh. I'm waiting til we moved into a new place to do something with this tank. I really want to go rimless, but I'm not sure if it will be safe. I can't wait to get rid of the Bi-Color Blenny, he is a funny fish swimming and leaving kisses on the glass, but he is a major reason for some of my corals dying. Neways thanx for looking and please comment!



Here's a FTS not current one, but a few weeks ago


My Modded Rio with Surface Skimmer Link to my Mod Thread




T.C.'s Lair


Speedy zigzagging through Xenia


This makes me sad

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Tank looks really healthy. I love the RBTA. Wish I could get one but I just can't do anemones because of the risk of them killing everything else.


Also, sweet clam!

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I LOVE this tank. Can you give a pic with the lights, I want to see how you set them up.

Also, with multiple par38 bulbs do you still get shimmer?

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I LOVE this tank. Can you give a pic with the lights, I want to see how you set them up.

Also, with multiple par38 bulbs do you still get shimmer?



Heres an old pic and u can kinda see the track fixture


There's ton's of shimmer effect because I got koralia agitating the surface. Usually when there is no agitation the shimmer is very minimal.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I really think your tank should be candidate for "Tank of the Month".


Thanx for the compliment. But at the moment there's no way it could even get a second look. The hair algae has gotten pretty bad. I've been kind of neglecting the tank due to being really busy with work and taking care of my new daughter. I'll be soon moving within a month so I'm just leaving this tank on standby with only doing water changes and minor maintenance. I'm planning to get the cadlights 22g and kind of starting over. I think I will refrag my zoas and palys because all the frag plugs are bring taking over by the algae. I'm kind of overwhelmed and wished I payed more attention to the tank before it had gotten worse.


Anyways I'm excited to move and also get a new tank. I will definitely do a new tank thread and will put effort and hopefully get recognized to be tank of the month.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I really think your tank should be candidate for "Tank of the Month".



Good luck with the algae, have you cut the lighting a bit? I think that helps :)

Ooh the cadlights 22gal is really nice!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: I decided to buy AC 50 (just have chemipure elite and filter floss it will be a future fuge)Just did a huge algae scrubbing session with LR that had bad algae. that was a headache. Then gave some LR to my buddy about 10 pounds to make more room. I rearranged the scape to give a more open feel and I'm loving it so far. I keep messing with it every few mins to give if the right look. Frag corals still have bad algae on them. I'm going to try algae fix or a emerald crab to see if they can clean them up. Will take a picture as soon as it clears up and corals are fully opened.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally here is a new FTS I promised





My LPS tower



Modified AC50 with Chaeto, Chemi-Pure Elite, Filter Cotton, and Hydor LED light









-Moving and getting a new tank has been put on hold

-No more skimmer

-Change up the scape for more room

-Got rid of my SPS and Xenia to focus on LPS and Softies

-Lost a lot of Zoa frags due to hair algae take over

-Trapped a Sea Hare into Betta in-tank display with some of my algae covered frags and did WORK to clean them up :D

-Got new corals like Duncans, Honeywell Green with Pink tip Frogspawn, Purple Yumas



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I still liked the old scape, but this new one also looks nice in that it has more room :)

Those zoas cleaned up nicely!


Can we get an pics of the new corals?

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Yeah I got rid a lot of rocks and gave them to a friend. It did look more full back then, but now this gives me more room to grow out other corals and add new ones. I will get new pics of the corals once lights are on tomorrow.

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I found my old camera and had a video of my tank in motion back then. A lot has changed since. Some of the corals in the video are gone. I do miss how full it look back then


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I'm FREAKIN' PISSED! i got home and went right to the tank to do some rescaping because my RBTA isn't getting enough light. I didn't check if all my fish were alright before I started. I figured they were all hiding. I rearranged the rocks to my liking and it looks pretty cool. Will take a new FTS when lights are back on and everything is open. Anyways it about an hour after I rescaped I was ready to leave. Right next to my Nikes I see this piece of crap next to the sole, picked it up and realized it was my Sixline Wrasse. :angry:


I figured it carpet surf when I was gone. I didn't notice anything on the floor near the tank. I can't believe this happened and to make matters worse I stepped on the little guy and didn't even know it. Even though I heard they jump I didn't think mine would and been having him for 1 1/2 years already with all open tops. I'm really sad because he was one of my favorites always swimming in and out of the rocks and corals. I don't know if I will get another sixline again. :(

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:( Sorry for your loss...


Your tank is beautiful btw



Got a Jager heater because my stealth wasn't heating my tank anymore.(no surprise there) So I was able to return it for store credit.

I'm feel a lot better now ever since my wrasse died. It got me thinking if I should get a new fish. I really want something very active, pretty, reef safe, and will get along with my other fish (Tomato Clown, Bi-color Blenny, and Orange Spotted Goby) Any suggestions?

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little update for my tank. I got the new Hydor Slim Skim Nano about a week ago and I am really pleased with it. It produced good skimmate and the microbubbles are very little. The only things that I find disappointing was that it was bigger than I expected and that it doesn't really surface skim that well. Overall it is pretty good skimmer for the price. I also redid my scape to give a unique feel because the older one felt too symmetrical. My corals are doing a lot better especially most of the frags that had lot of algae growing on them, but some of them I think are goners (Purple Deaths and Radio Active Dragon Eyes are still closed). The Sea Hare completely cleaned out my hair algae and looking to get rid of it, so if anybody in the Bay Area that is having problems with hair algae hit me up and would do a trade for some Blue legged hermit crabs or ceriths snails. Thanks for following!






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The Sea Hare completely cleaned out my hair algae and looking to get rid of it, so if anybody in the Bay Area that is having problems with hair algae hit me up and would do a trade for some Blue legged hermit crabs or ceriths snails. Thanks for following!

Lol have you seen my 10gal? I have quite a bit of GHA I could give you


Or, if your algae problem is taken care of, why not just bring the sea hare to your LFS and get some store credit?

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Lol have you seen my 10gal? I have quite a bit of GHA I could give you


Or, if your algae problem is taken care of, why not just bring the sea hare to your LFS and get some store credit?


haha no thanks.


Actually thinking about giving it to my friend for his bday.

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