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Coral Vue Hydros

Blue LED's seem to atract blue things


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As soon as I installed my DYE LED moonlight kit, ($10 at the local electonics store) I turned off the lights and gazed in awe at the beauty. but then something went wizzing around the tank and thru the light. So on with the lights! it was a 1/2" blue worm, sort of like a millipede but w/o legs. beautiful blue color and not interested in the bright lights what so ever. Also noticed while i was working that my macro algae is now on the move, IE the decorator crab has gone from pink to green w/ pink and he is poking at my green hairy shrooms. oh back to the worm. lights off, w/ exception to the LED's ZOOOM, the worm is having a ball. turn the LED's off, and he goes and sits back on a rock waiting for another light show. WTF is this thing? if no one has a name, I call it the Raver Worm or in latin (spiffywormo tripoutis)


I call it the Fry hole! -futuroma-

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just noticed that DYE should be DIY im a bit morbid in the fingers tonight.... worm is going nutz in the light..... hope i get more. I wonder if i put some green lights in, if some green worms would come out and go nutz? Disco worms, cool!

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