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Cultivated Reef

How do I get copepods?


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How long is a while?

What are your tank stats?

Are you done with your cycle?

etc.. etc..

Once you have that posted I'm sure a bunch of people here can help

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I have a new minbow 7 and it has only been going for about 3 weeks now, and I have many copepods. I can hardly see them but once you get used to looking for things like that you see a bunch more running around. Just started seeing feather dusters, and...what I think to be aptasia.

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Ok It was a set up tank when I got it. I have had it for about 8 months. The stats? I have a 55 gallon tank um 8.3 ph too high nitrits ok nitrats, .5 amonia. salt at 1.21. I have coral on my live rock. 5 fish just got ick from a beauty coral I bought so I am restarting the cycle. Does this help?

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If you don't have them now after 8 months you won't unless you purchase some living cultures. You can get some established sand out of a tank that you know has pods (LFS, friend, marine club) this will take a while, or you can purchase several varieties on the web, http://www.inlandaquatics.com/ has a couple of pod kits, as well as a dozen other sites.

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Just read your last post, your ammonia should be zero, your SG should be 1.024-1.025 and you should have no nitrites. If your readings are correct, you got a big old tank of death. Hope that's not the case.

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if he has HIGH NITRITES it sound slike he's over feeding, not doing water changes or not enuf water changes deffanitly a tank wating to CRASH BIG TIME!!!!! i would start with several small water changes over the week or two and invest in a refugium and get some macro algea to help with your nitrates thats why you dont have any pods they cant make it in that enviroment

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try lookin in the tank at night with a flash light. The very few amphipods that my scooter blenny hasnt eaten come out at night and are very very cautious probably why they've lived so long.

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