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Cultivated Reef

Refugium plumbing for dummies needed.


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I am seriously considering adding a 5 gallon refugium for my 7 gal mini-bow. I am pretty new to the reef hobby and have been reading up on refugiums. Now, I understand the basic concepts, but I haven't found anything that tells me exactly how to do it, what equipment I need, etc.


I would like to have the refugium above my mini-bow since I have the mini on a desk and have shelving above the desk. I did see someone post a setup similar to this recently using a critter keeper. I just don't really know where to start, so any help would be great. Thanks.

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hope this helps:


For my fuge i use an above tank approach. Here are many pics: (my dorm room is quite junkie as you can see)


Here is the tank and the refugium over all:



As you can see, there are two water lines, one for return and one for the pump. The return tube is attached to a bulkhead installed near the top of the refugium. The following is a closer look:



The line attached to the pump goes on top and into the refugium. Here is a clear picture of the AC powerhead 201 i use to supply water to the fuge:



Lastly, heres an overall pic for the helluvit:


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Thanks fishiebusiness, the close up pics are very helpful.

Did you install that bulkhead by yourself? How difficult was it if you did? Is there a better material, plastic, acrylic, glass that I should use for the refugium that will make it easier to do?

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I added some pics to my nano thread and bit more info... thread is "My 5.5 and 'fuge" in the Members section.


If you take a look, it should be self-explanatory, I would be happy to take some more pics and give more info specific to your questions if ya like.


Basically same setup as Fishie, just a little more "condensed", hehe


(BTW, nice setup Fishie ;) )

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I did install bulkhead myself, but i wish i had gotten a larger one. Mine is too small to handle to full flow from my powerhead 201 and i had to choke it back a little. I think a 3/4" or 1" bulk head would be more appropriate if you're going to get one. The install was easy, i used a dremel to make a hole big enough for the bulkhead, then i just twisted it on. Any sort of sanding or drilling tool can be used since critter keepers are all plastic. I wouldnt use glass as thats much harder to drill. I think a critter keeper is perfect.

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look into my thread in the members section about my 40 gallon and the DIY refugium...all the building material i bought from homedepot... you can built one just like it without it hang in the back..i did it this way becuase it will save me space.


but with the new 55gallon tank..i will have a 20L tank as a refugium uner in my cabinet...but the concept will the the same as i devide it into 2 compartments so that it will have aircontact with the returning water... instead of natural flowback..it will have to be pump operated but with a natural flow-in..

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Thanks for all the information. The details and pics were a big help and now I have a better understanding. Will let you know how I progress.

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