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Coral Vue Hydros

Bluezone's Tank


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Looking through the members section, I ran across bluezone's 4 gallon tank. Call me crazy, but two percs in a 4 gallon??? I dont see how that would work at all unless he does a water change every day. Beautiful tank, though.

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heh Im always amazed when I go to a LFS and I see 200 feeders in a 10 gal.... that are thriving. then over-hear a sales man quote 1 inch of fish per gallon....... what an oxymoron..... hmmmm


I think as long as the fish are healthy and happy the prison cell size doesnt matter. CLOWNS in the wild rarely need more than 2 square feet and rarely stray far from home (or their anemone)


Just food fer though..... Ummmmmm fish fry........:happy:

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