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Top Shelf Aquatics

August 2010 - Sushi

Christopher Marks

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Christopher Marks

For August we're featuring Sushi and his 20 gallon nano reef!




Click the picture above to check out his reef profile! You can find Sushi's tank journal here in our Members Aquariums forum. Feel free to post any comments or questions you may have for Sushi, and he'll try his best to answer them.

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Beautiful as alway sushi, some how i just knew you gonna be TOTM soon just couldn't believe it's actually today! Congrats to you and best of luck!

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Congrats Sushi!!


Incredible tank! I was hoping for this tank to be TOTM one day.



What are your thoughts on keeping gorgonions?

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Thanks everyone :)


As for keeping gorgonians... I am not a pro at these corals. The only ones I have in my tank are the rusty gorgs that you see in the back left corner. These are photosynthetic and have done fairly well in my tank on routine feedings of frozen rotifers and freeze dried cyclopeeze. They get fed a mix of these foods about every other day amongst other larger foods.


I wish I was as skilled and patient as uhuru and his NPS tank, but this is purely a simple mixed reef :)

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No prob AM6. I really do love gorgonians, I wish I could keep more but I find them hard to place in a aquascape, and also hard to care for if you go NPS (at least with my schedule).


I'm really leaning towards SPS in this tank though. Once my frags grow out I'm hoping the tank will transform into something else!

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congrats!! you got some awesome colors going on and I really love your zoa garden. oh oh oh and your rock wrk is very very nice!

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Congratulations! It's nice to see an aquascaping/livestock selection that fits perfectly with well-designed equipment like the elos mini.

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