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14g Biocube Incubator


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  • 4 weeks later...
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After much debate decided to go with the AB10K bulb. Websites list it as a 13K.

A little pricy, but it was highly recommended.

I can tell I needed a new bulb - very bright!


Only a tad bit of blue in the color though, its mostly a crisp white.


Also picked up a 453nm stunner strip to use a moon light...this thing is bright!

Very nice florescence of all corals.

Probably cannot leave this on during the night, dont think the corals would ever close up.


Pics to come soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally decided to make an online coral order.


Went with mrcoral.com


Here are some pics of what was ordered, will be posting pictures of the corals once they have arrived and have had a few days to aclimate :)

































$150 for the whole lot - free shipping.

Not too bad of a price and a lot easier than driving around to local reefers gathering frags 1 by 1 :)

Should fill up the tank quite nicely.

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nice pick-ups! i just got some goodies this morning as well, and it feels like christmas anytime i get something new!


gotta love the $10 section!

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nice pick-ups! i just got some goodies this morning as well, and it feels like christmas anytime i get something new!


gotta love the $10 section!



hah yeah it sure does.

I gotta glue these things to the rocks so the tank doesn't look so crowded, and I can justify another order.

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What bulb you running now?Is it really blue without the stunners? Any pictures of how you mounted the strips to the sunpod?


Im running the AB 13K bulb.

It's pretty nice, mostly a crisp white. Not much added blue though.

The stunner does help some, but not a ton.


I'll take some pics with just the sunpod and sunpod+stunner lighting.

Also of how I mounted the stunner.

Check back soon :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's how I mounted the stunner strip to my sunpod.


It was a tight fit, but I think I could mount two strips no problem.

Drilled 2 small holes in the sunpod, then mounted the strip using the included hardware and a nut/bolt.

You have to make sure the sunpod glass wingnuts are perfectly parallel with the sunpud (to give more room)

The stunner just barely sits on the long edge of the uv glass. Nuts go inside of the sunpod itselt and the bold sticks through to the outside.










With the stunner on just by itself, the florescence is amazing!

Probably too much for a moon light. Considering buying the uv strip as well and use that as a 24/7 light. then use the 453nm to simulate dusk/dawn.


You can notice a difference with both the sunpod and strip on, but its nothing huge. not going to completely change your color. But I am very happy thus far.


Heres a quick comparison.


Sunpod 70W with AB13K bulb



Sunpod 70W with AB13K bulb + Ecoxotic Stunner 453nm



Getting tired of constantly topping off...tunze osmolator on order!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to pick up a UV stunner strip to add to the 453nm stunner strip.


And changed the way I mounted things a bit.


Now I used 1 bolt and 3 washers for spacing. And a locking washer at the bottom.

















As for whether or not the UV strip to do anything for color/growth only time will tell.

I am only expecting some small color improvements.

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tank is looking good! is there anything you're using to cover the top of the tank? firefish will take the leap of death when you least expect it. my purple firefish did so...it would be sad to see another one go..

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tank is looking good! is there anything you're using to cover the top of the tank? firefish will take the leap of death when you least expect it. my purple firefish did so...it would be sad to see another one go..


Thanks! nothing to cover the tank. Just the sunpod over half of it. No jumpers yet...im hoping if they try, they bounch off the sunpod and back into the tank.


Nice tank.... How is your wrasse doing with the firefish in their? any aggression towards one another?


Thanks, both are doing pretty good together. The firefish is pretty timid though, only really comes out for food. If anything, I've notice the wrasse nipping at the clownfish every now and then. But overall I'd say its fine.

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Thats good. I had a firefish but was annoyed at it being so shy and timid. At least the clown can hold its own. If it was picking on the firefish then there could be some problems. Was thinking about getting a wrasse but went another way.

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Thats good. I had a firefish but was annoyed at it being so shy and timid. At least the clown can hold its own. If it was picking on the firefish then there could be some problems. Was thinking about getting a wrasse but went another way.


well... i came home today and I guess my wrasse aggression problem is now solved.

He was crusted up on the floor, apparent suicide.


Not sure how long he's been out of water, but I've got him soaking in some tank water to see what will happen.

I vaguely recall reading someones post where the fish lived after re-hydrating...maybe?

The experiment has begun.


You called it jojoe!

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Your clown pushed him over the edge. DED.... DEAD lol


hah yeap. he is def. dead.


the clown has a guilty look on his face and his hanging out on the side of the tank where the frankenstein experiment was taking place.


Maybe no mysis for a week as punishment.

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Hey how are you liking your MP Vortech?


Love it. It's a bit overkill for the 14g though, but i just keep it turned down.

It's nice when I clean the tank, crank it up to suspend the reef dust for removal.

I think it's worth the premium you pay for it.



Tank is coming along very nice. An updated FTS is needed!


This weekend I'll post some updates. Need to install the tunze osmolator anyways ;)

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I was thinking of getting a pico evolution and placing where your vortech is or on the back wall on the right but everyone loves these vortechs. I was debating if it was worth it or not b/c I have some sps in the tank that would like more flow probably.

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I was thinking of getting a pico evolution and placing where your vortech is or on the back wall on the right but everyone loves these vortechs. I was debating if it was worth it or not b/c I have some sps in the tank that would like more flow probably.


I use to have a koralia nano 245gph powerhead on the back right. It did alright, just didn't seem to circulate much water. The mp10 is capable of moving much much more, but I don't necessarily crank it up that high. Plus the random flow options are very nice. And its a much wider, gentler flow so i figure it really circulates the whole tank better. And it looks a lot better, much tighter to the tank and no cord in the water. But is it worth $150 more?


30 vs 180


I dunno...hah.

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yea that is my debate with it and those pico evolutions are pretty small so not a huge eye sore like the koralia


Yeah I know what you mean...the koralia are too bulky.


So I just did a water change and popped off my hydor FLO to clean it and placed it into the waste water bucket.

Then I rinsed a new chemi pure elite in the water, so it of course turned black.


I forgot take the FLO out before I dumped the bucket into the toilet...


RIP hydor flo.

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ATO has arrived!





Found this 14 quart container at The Container Store for $14.99. Looks to be the perfect size.



Decided to take everything apart and re-organize the wires while I was working on things...\









More pics soon, I got lazy and did not finish all the wiring tonight :)


Current FTS


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