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LFS doesnt gaurantee saltwater livestick


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should i not shop here? they gaurantee all fresh water except for arrowanas and they seem to know what they are talking about. furthermore their fish and corals seem quite healthy. the only thing shady i have seen is what i think was an aiptasia in one of their LR tanks. i havent checked many other places since this store is very close to me and has a ton of stock, is this a normal statement for a LFS to make or should i beware?

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Because most marine livestock is still wild-caught, very rarely have I come across shops that guarantee livestock - particularly corals.


They have no control over what condition they receive the animals in, and no control over what kind of environment a buyer is going to be putting them into.


So, as the consumer - caveat emptor.

Make sure you know the differences between a healthy looking animal and one in poor condition prior to making a purchase.

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always watch the fish for a bit. see if they are exhibiting behavior indicitive to any problems. excessive scratching against substrate or rock, breathing oddly, swimming erratically etc.


Always, always, always ask them to feed the fish. if it doesn't eat, don't buy it. don't believe them when they say the fish just ate and is not hungry. I've never seen a fish turn down a meal.



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That is not all that uncommon. Ask the LFS if they have a hold policy (the plaqces I worked did for 3 days) and that would give anyone enough time to check up and see if he feeds well. Wildcaught livestock doesn't come with a guarentee often.....too much risk.



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My LFS holds for free for one week, and up to a month for %5-%10 of the fish's cost. They don't gaurantee the fish, but if they don't make longer than a day, you might be able to get %80 of the cost back (with the body and a water sample).

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My LFS will give you a 7 day gaurantee if:

1. You bring in a water sample whe you buy the fish.

2. Bring back the dead carcass

3 bring another water sample in a seperate container

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