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Arash's NANO-CUBE 12G DX


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This is my first experience in saltwater aquarium. I am open to any comments, suggestions and advices , and I really need your help to make this a successful reef aquarium.


Tank is NANO-CUBE 12G DX without any modification


CHAMBER 1 : empty

CHAMBER 2 : Ceramic rings , Activated carbon , and one sponge

CHAMBER 3 : Stock pump


Lighing system is 2x24W PC.


Inside the tank :


20lbs LS

9lbs LR



2 bluelegs hermit crabs

2 red scralet ( I dont know they are dead or just molting!)

3 Astrea Snails

1 Margarita Snail

1 Cerith Snails



I bought a clown fish and a sixline first but return them both and got a Purple firefish.

Because the sixline killed my hemit crabs and I told this fish will get aggressive in a small tanks, and the clown had ick.






Tank is 7 weeks old.


Tomorrow I am going to buy a clown fish and my first soft coral.

I am thinkg about : Xina , Polyps green star, torch coral and frospawn ,only of these for this week ,but I couldnt decide which one yet.

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Is that one solid piece of LR? Sweet find!!. I dont own an AIO, but I have read that the ceramic rings are not a good idea. Research that and find out for sure.


I would be concerened about the ich still. How long had it been before adding a new fish? Ich will still be present in the system for several weeks even without a host. Just keep an eye out for outbreaks.


The xenia and GSP are good starters, because you cant kill them. As in they will eventually RULE your tank haha. Good beginner coral though.


Good Luck. Again, love that LR.

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I kept the ceramic rings becuse I have only 9lbs LR and I tought maybre it is not enough for 12 gallon tank.

any other comments for ceramic rings? should I take them out?

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I kept the ceramic rings becuse I have only 9lbs LR and I tought maybre it is not enough for 12 gallon tank.

any other comments for ceramic rings? should I take them out?


I think you have plenty of rock. If you are going by the "per gallon" rule, keep in mind that the rock and sand will be displacing some of the water. You dont actually have 12g in there I dont think.


IMO you have plenty of LR, and it looks cool. As far as the rings go...one of the AIO members should chime in shortly.

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Where should I place the Xina and GSP in my tank?

and I am wondering which kind of coarls I can have in my tank with the current lighting system.

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Please some one tell me what is going on in my tank :(


my water parameters:






This morning my firefish sits on the sand and she is not moving :((



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Did you check your salinity? Do you use a hydrometer or a refractometer? I had some fish death issues and took my hydrometer to get tested at the LFS. It was off by 4 levels. So there I was thinking my salinity was at 19 but it was really 23/24. Most LFS keep their fish around 17. So I'd bring the fish home, they'd swim around great for a day or two and then die. Basically stressed out and shocked to death.

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My LFS just check my water and said the NO2 and NO3 level is little bit high and the saltinity is low it is 1.021 and it should be 1.025! I am kinda confused ! I bought a refractometer from them but I really want to know what is the best salinity level?

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I keep mine around 1.024. I don't think a salinity of 1.021 could have killled fish, though. Maybe it was a bad fish?

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Or maybe high NO2/NO3 level ,my test kit is NUTRAFIN, and with this kid everything shows 0.

Any sugestion for a good test kit?

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A bad test kit could be the cause. I use API, but I usually go to my LFS to test. I think they use elos test kits.

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I don't think this had anything to do with your firefish (sorry for the loss) but I would suggest a couple changes.


1) Get a different test kit. API is the most affordable and seems to be pretty reliable. You will probably want to get the reef kit and not the saltwater kit if you plan on keeping corals.


2) take the ceramic rings and sponge out. You can replace the sponge with filter floss (pillow stuffing fro a craft store or even wal-mart). The sponges and rings can be nitrate traps and you won't need the extra biological filtration with the live rock.


3) You might look into using chem-pure elite next time you change your carbon.


4) You might also look at adding another small powerhead and/or replacing the stock pump with something larger (like a MJ 900). This is a five minute mod that will add a lot of flow.


The aquascape looks great. Sorry again about the fish.

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Thanks cbandotho, I will get an API test kit. I have aleardy removed the ceramic ring,is the sponge kinda mechanical filtartion or biological? shoudl I remove it now or with my next water change?


Is it possible to mod the running tank for MJ 900?

My LS is like powder could I really use MJ 900?

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Thanks cbandotho, I will get an API test kit. I have aleardy removed the ceramic ring, is the sponge kinda mechanical filtartion or biological? shoudl I remove it now or with my next water change?


It is mechanical filtration, which I think is nice to have but the filter floss is easy and cheap to just throw away. You run less risk of things building up on it. I would wait for the next water change. When you take those things out it will stir things up.


The ceramic rings are biological but you shouldn't need these with your live rock.


Is it possible to mod the running tank for MJ 900?

My LS is like powder could I really use MJ 900?


I have very fine sand in mine as well (Fiji Pink) and it is not a problem. In fact, I am running a MJ900 and a K-nano.

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I have very fine sand in mine as well (Fiji Pink) and it is not a problem. In fact, I am running a MJ900 and a K-nano.


Do you know any document , video or thread for this modification on NC!2?


color is nice and clean. Did u ever think about LED?


I like to make a custom LED lighting, I am in researching fase yet ;)

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Where should I place the Xina and GSP in my tank?

and I am wondering which kind of coarls I can have in my tank with the current lighting system.


Go with zoas, palys, rics, and shrooms.

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Can I back this up a little here?


First of all, as far as LED's go and adding stuff- I think you should get a basic handle on your tank first since you already have it going and things aren't going well. How did you acclimate your fish? What's your pH (or did I miss that?). The difference between 1.021 and 1.025 could stress fish, but a difference in pH will mess with fish much more.


I agree with Rocko on his list of inverts.

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Do you know any document , video or thread for this modification on NC!2?




I like to make a custom LED lighting, I am in researching fase yet ;)


As far as the pump goes, unhook the white tube from the bulkhead inside the pump chamber. Reach in and pull out the pump. Put the other one in and hook up the tube. Plug it in. Easy 45 second mod, and no, I had never done it before. I would go with the 900 though. I am fighting a sandstorm with my MJ 1200.


As far as LEDs, just read posts. Nanotuners sells a heatsink made for Nanocube/Aquapod/Biocube/the list goes on. Mine should be here in a couple days. They sell full out kits as well.

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Can I back this up a little here?


First of all, as far as LED's go and adding stuff- I think you should get a basic handle on your tank first since you already have it going and things aren't going well. How did you acclimate your fish? What's your pH (or did I miss that?). The difference between 1.021 and 1.025 could stress fish, but a difference in pH will mess with fish much more.


I agree with Rocko on his list of inverts.


I test the PH with my current test kit I don't know how accurate it is becuse the result for the NO2 and NO3 with LSF was not the same, anyway the PH level is around 9!

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As far as the pump goes, unhook the white tube from the bulkhead inside the pump chamber. Reach in and pull out the pump. Put the other one in and hook up the tube. Plug it in. Easy 45 second mod, and no, I had never done it before. I would go with the 900 though. I am fighting a sandstorm with my MJ 1200.


As far as LEDs, just read posts. Nanotuners sells a heatsink made for Nanocube/Aquapod/Biocube/the list goes on. Mine should be here in a couple days. They sell full out kits as well.


Thanks, got it :)

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