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Okay so I never thought it would happen (I keep a 3/4 glass top on my 29g). But tonight during feeding time I didn't see my sixline wrasse. So I was looking everywhere...


Just the other day I got a particularly large hermit, but I doubt that he could be the culprit... But then I noticed this thing in my water-change bucket right next to the tank... My wrasse that I've had about 17 months... I'm like super pissed off right now...


So yet another warning to everyone... Sixlines are confirmed jumpers. I have no clue how he got into the bucket though. Must have ricocheted off of something.


Next order of business... building a mesh top.

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too bad you werent getting ready to do a water change. Sorry to hear about your wrasse though, had the same thing happen to my sixline except my cat ate him after.

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too bad you werent getting ready to do a water change. Sorry to hear about your wrasse though, had the same thing happen to my sixline except my cat ate him after.


Well at least someone benefited from the ordeal! Mine is just rotting in 1" of water...

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My six line jumped once. I had just got home and out of the corner of my eye saw something on the floor. I saw that it was the six line, and I have no idea how long he was out of the water. I threw it back in the tank anyways, and he sank upside down to the bottom. It was there probably about a half hour and it looked dead. Then all of a sudden it started swimming around like nothing had ever happened. He is still going strong.

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twelve volt pro

Fish somehow find a way to jump out of even the seemingly smallest areas. I lost two firefish through the pond netting covering my tank, AND the slit along the back of my canopy for heat exhaust. Its nuts.


Sorry to hear about the six line

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^ same here. lost two BSJF due to jumping. Seriously..the crack was MAYBE as big as the fish's head (the area where the HOB filter sits), but still finds a way to jump out during the night. After maybe 6 hours, BSJF looked like sardines <.<

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I've had an Ocellaris Clownfish, Black Cap Basslet, and a Watanabe Angelfish all jump while I was in the same room. All were fine afterward (except the clownfish, which jumped again while I wasn't there to put it back in). :(

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matt frizz
^ same here. lost two BSJF due to jumping. Seriously..the crack was MAYBE as big as the fish's head (the area where the HOB filter sits), but still finds a way to jump out during the night. After maybe 6 hours, BSJF looked like sardines <.<


:o $180 down the toilet if you count both. Definitely getting a lid for my new 50.

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to the op i can get acylic for a pretty good price here in houston and i work in a machine shop so i can fabricate anything i want pretty much. if your interested i can build you one. unless you wanted to go with glass. in which case i don't cut glass.

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What is bad is not finding the fish for months behind the tank in a crevice and then it is jerky. Having a fishy smell near the tank but not seeing anything is never good.

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I've had a lionfish jump out. Never expected that one...


How the hell? Dedicated fella...



I've had my Diamondback Goby (sifter) jump out prior to me getting a lid. I was wondering what that big ***bloop*** noise was that one night.

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Thanks everyone.


wait..so you had a lid, but it still found a crack to jump out of the tank?


Well... It was a 3/4 glass top. I like to keep some space free for air exchange.


Honestly I wasn't expecting this at all. Sixline are known jumpers, but I suppose I had that false sense of security we sometimes get since I had him for so long...


Mike, that's insane that a Lionfish jumped!


As for all the bsjf that jump, that really bites.. $$$ fish they are.


I think I'll make one of those DIY screen covers. I thought about acrylic, but I don't like cleaning it so much.


I'm thinking something like:







So from now on I'm definitely an advocate for covers... My only regret is that it took a jumper to make me learn my lesson... Sure seems like a pretty common lesson though...

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Had a yellow watchmen find a spot in my "clear pond" mesh, twice. First time I got him back in quick. The 2nd time it must of been too long. I put him back in the water and he was barely alive. Next morning my CUC about had him finished.

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I've had a lionfish jump out. Never expected that one...

Talk about playing hot potato

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Ah.. now i get what you meant by 3/4. I thought it was a 3/4" thick glass top :P


Did the glass top have a lot of condensation build up? I'm thinking of getting an acrylic lid, but really haven't seen a glass/acrylic top.

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Actually the glass top works great IMO... cuts down my evaporation a little while still allowing decent air exchange. It also provides good clarity and I only need to clean it every few weeks. Easier to clean than acrylic IMO. I bought one by marineland. It does come with a plastic piece that you stick on the back, but I left that off, so that's why I say it only covers 3/4 of the tank.


Obviously it doesn't work so hot for a fish guard though...

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it was terrible finding my diadem dottyback on my bed(right next to my tank) two days after i bought it even with a glass cover...

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Actually the glass top works great IMO... cuts down my evaporation a little while still allowing decent air exchange. It also provides good clarity and I only need to clean it every few weeks. Easier to clean than acrylic IMO. I bought one by marineland. It does come with a plastic piece that you stick on the back, but I left that off, so that's why I say it only covers 3/4 of the tank.


Obviously it doesn't work so hot for a fish guard though...



why not make the screen to fit just the rear portion... then you will still have the air exchange and evap control like before but with the screen to save jumpers. just a thought.

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