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Coral Feeding assistance


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So I've had a 10G running since November, been stocked with simple coral frags like Zoas, Mushrooms, Rics, Xenia, Candy Canes, Pink Birdsnest. They do not seem to be growing. They look healthy, but not growing I started with Coral Accel about 1 1/2 months ago that my LFS suggested and don't really see much growth either. These are all photosynthetic coral so I need help understanding what/how to feed. They have been under 96W PC lighting since Nov, but have upgraded to 2x24W T5HO for the last week. Under PC lighting, 1 ric and 4 mushrooms have split. The zoas, I can see maybe a few extra polyps, some none at all. The birdsnest seem to be doing the best, I can count extra limbs and can actually see the growth.


Had my water tested at the LFS and they said my params are perfect, except dKH (at 100ppm which should be around 140 ppm) and very minimal nitrates.


Can you guys help me with a feeding plan. I am really just interested in getting the mushrooms, rics, and zoas to really bloom and propgate. I want them to fill out all my dead space. After looking at LiveAquaria, most of these corals say they are (paraphrased) "Photosynthetic, Filter Feeders, Will benefit from Microplankton, Brine or Mysis Shrimp, Calcium, Iodine, and Trace Elements". I am really not sure what is in this coral accel, maybe Ca and Trace elements.


I've been trying to read up on what everyone else is doing and I see some use CyclopEeze, but I dont know exactly what elements it provides. Should I also buy Frozen Brine and/or Mysis Shrimp? Target feed or just throw a mixture into the tank?


How much/often should I feed? Should I feed as much as possible and just keep an eye on Nitrate, Calc, Alk, and Mg levels?



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Your corals don't need to be fed, although that doesn't stop your lfs from telling you otherwise. If you want quicker growth focus on keeping up with your weekly water changes and not fouling up the water. A downside of feeding is that even a tiny bit too much phosphates in the water will really slow down your coral growth.


Which t5 bulbs are you using? It's hard to get a good color balance with only two bulbs sometimes...

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I didn't get to read all that other wrote here, but I've been sparingly feeding - maybe every week and a half - a Kent microvert for my Star Polyp, and it's doing pretty well...growing, expanding and such. If you want to feed coral (especially those that needs it), a fine filter feeding solution and a pipit (a tiny eyedropper for spot feeding) or a turkey baster (for large feedings) would work. Just also make sure they get plenty of light and water movement as well.


EDIT: I didn't notice that only one person other than me replied...LOL. Man, it's too early for me:P


So I've had a 10G running since November, been stocked with simple coral frags like Zoas, Mushrooms, Rics, Xenia, Candy Canes, Pink Birdsnest. They do not seem to be growing. They look healthy, but not growing I started with Coral Accel about 1 1/2 months ago that my LFS suggested and don't really see much growth either. These are all photosynthetic coral so I need help understanding what/how to feed. They have been under 96W PC lighting since Nov, but have upgraded to 2x24W T5HO for the last week. Under PC lighting, 1 ric and 4 mushrooms have split. The zoas, I can see maybe a few extra polyps, some none at all. The birdsnest seem to be doing the best, I can count extra limbs and can actually see the growth.


Had my water tested at the LFS and they said my params are perfect, except dKH (at 100ppm which should be around 140 ppm) and very minimal nitrates.


Can you guys help me with a feeding plan. I am really just interested in getting the mushrooms, rics, and zoas to really bloom and propgate. I want them to fill out all my dead space. After looking at LiveAquaria, most of these corals say they are (paraphrased) "Photosynthetic, Filter Feeders, Will benefit from Microplankton, Brine or Mysis Shrimp, Calcium, Iodine, and Trace Elements". I am really not sure what is in this coral accel, maybe Ca and Trace elements.


I've been trying to read up on what everyone else is doing and I see some use CyclopEeze, but I dont know exactly what elements it provides. Should I also buy Frozen Brine and/or Mysis Shrimp? Target feed or just throw a mixture into the tank?


How much/often should I feed? Should I feed as much as possible and just keep an eye on Nitrate, Calc, Alk, and Mg levels?



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organism - i have the stock lights still, which i guess are just daylights and actinics...i also religiously change my water weekly - 15-20%


redhawk - what kind of filter feeding solution are you talking about?

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The stuff is called Kent Marine MicroVert, invertebrate food for fine filter feeders. That'll work for most corals with small to tiny arms, but those that are large will usually do with (I hope I am right with my knowledge) plankton or....what are those...either krill or something of sorts. But the Kent MicroVert is in a bottle form, mine costed $12.00, and if you only have a few corals or so to feed, it's a cheap way for it lasts a while.


organism - i have the stock lights still, which i guess are just daylights and actinics...i also religiously change my water weekly - 15-20%


redhawk - what kind of filter feeding solution are you talking about?

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organism - i have the stock lights still, which i guess are just daylights and actinics...i also religiously change my water weekly - 15-20%


If you replace those bulbs with 1 ATI blue plus and an ATI aquablue spezial your corals will probably do better, not all t5's are created equal... On the other hand, does your fixture have individual reflectors for the t5's?

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If you replace those bulbs with 1 ATI blue plus and an ATI aquablue spezial your corals will probably do better, not all t5's are created equal... On the other hand, does your fixture have individual reflectors for the t5's?


yes they are SLRs


what makes the ATI bulbs better than the daylight and actinics that are stock? marinedepot and fosterandsmith don't stock ATIs

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