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Better to by premixed salt water or mix own


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I think I usually shoot for about 1.025. It usually stays about that level until about 3 top offs, then it's time for the water change and it may jump to 1.026. But, I'm using a swing-arm. I finally cleaned it out using vinegar the other week and that makes a huge difference.

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WOW, I get my water for free. If your in San Diego you can get water form Scripps. It's the same water that the Birch Aquarium uses. Some fish stores use it to. IT's the best water you can get.

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I am wondering..."Catalina Water" -is it prepared in anyway? Or is it literally straight out of the ocean (catalina area)???


...in other words if someone lived on Catalina, & had a tank, could they just walk down to the water & snatch up a couple of gallons...then throw it straight into their tank?? :woot:

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