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Red Growth & Red Tiny Crawling Things


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Hey Everybody,


I have 2 things that are a mystery that live in my tank.


The first one I have no picture of, it is a small reddish brown creature that crawls around my rock. It is about 1/8" in length and moves pretty quick.


The second one, I have a picture of. It is a red growth on my rock and it appears to have "hair" growing out of it.




Thank in advance for the help!



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Please elaborate on the description of the reddish brown creature that crawls around on your LR. Size, behaviour, etc.


The above pic I have no clue. I have some on my LR. Doesn't grow or move or hurt anything so I figure it's all good. Some things remain a mystery.

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It is about an 1/8" of an inch in length, seems to stay in the shadows on the rock, there are about 3 or 4 of them in the same area. When they move they are fast for their size.


Sorry that I don't have more details, I can't see much since it is so small. It is about the size of a flea... ???



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