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mystery deaths


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3 fish down and im still not 100% sure why. last one died last night, and i noticed that my snail has been acting very funny. Today it is all shriveled up and stiff feeling and wont suck to anything but its not dead yet. Anyone know what could cause such behaviour? hermits dont seem to be effected any but fish/snails were. can snails die from parasites that fish die from? because snail has been doing fine until fish entered the tank. ANY IDEAS?????

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Hiow long has the tank been set up. any less than 8 weeks and most fish are gonna find a hard time enjoying it. If it's been up longer, maybe you have the curse. what are they dying from? I mean , what are their symptoms?

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its been up for about a month....2 of the fish died the first day i got them.

heavy gilling and disoriented.

goby died withint 2 1/2 days....barely breathing with dark streaked areas on body.

Snail is currently dying...shriveled up and motionless.


DOES THIS SOUND LIKE AMMONIA FROM THE WATER SOURCE TO ANYONE? i started out with tap water and then moved to distilled last night so i may have been too late...

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Once again....WATER TESTS need to be done.....we can guess all day and w/o info from your were shooting blind.


One the water deal did you at least treat the tap with some form of dechlorinator? What is your salinity? Temp?


We need much more info to help you correctly....



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I couldn't agree with Physh more......You need to test!


When I lose a fish (doesn't happen to often), I test everything I have a kit for!


Test your tank water, your "dechlorinated" tap water, top off...everything!

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i do test...i test PH, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite, and specific gravity. When my fish died they had signs of ammonia poisoning and nothing else...no spots or anything that i could see. but my ammonia and nitrite were both at 0 when i put them in. is there ammonia stuff in tap water that the kit couldnt pick up? someone told me thats why you cant use tap....

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What are or were the values for everything? Snails dying.......IME the one thing that will kill a snail quick is a rapid salinity change. I didn't know this and killed 10 turbos I put in my 45 FOWLR.


Ok....this is simple! When a fish dies, test everything....then look at the evidence in totality (just like CSI!) and then decide what happened. Evidence of ammonia poisoning can look like at least 10 other conditions that might kill your fish. For you to say "could it be ammonia?" Well, sure it could, but with out any testing......it could also have been a chunk of iron meteor splashed down into your tank and killed everything!.....It could also be an internal parasite, stress from being caught (cyanide?), stress from shipping, stress from a poor acclimation, etc., etc.


If you're concerned about your tap, test it! you'll see if there's ammonia. I doubt it since ammonia is toxic to humans!


There are a ton of things that can be in tap (it varies from region to region) that would jack up a reef: Chlorine/Chloramine, NO3, silicates, and PO4 are the biggies. Free Chlorine is very volitle and will dechlorinate naturally if left open ovenight. Chloramine will not dissapear as easily and thats why people with FW tanks buy products like Amquel. Although NO3, silicates, and PO4 won't kill fish at acceptable levels, they can cause diatom, hair algae, and cyano blooms. Another common thing in tap water is metals!

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Word to all that.....can't really add much but I'd reinforce the possibility of poor acclimation causing trauma if all the water conditions in your tank seem ok.



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