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JBJ NanoCube Filtration Mods


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I have jumped on the bandwagon with a JBJ cube and scoured the forum for information as I do my mods. I am looking for information on the filter pack that comes with the cube.


I see that most all have deleted the bio-balls. I can understand the value of the ceramic tubes, they would be like base rock in the back and eventually hold bacteria. The carbon pack would do its job and is replaceable.


But I see some comments about putting sand and rock into the compartments. I am looking for anyone who has done this, and how they configured their setup.


Obviously, the pump needs to be in one compartment. I plan a Lee's skimmer in another, then there's the heater. Starting to run out of room :*(


What have you guys packed into yours?



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i don't have the jbj but one very similar to it. i tore the whole chamber out and put on a HOB. its just a piece of plastic attached with silicone right? its just a waste of space imo.



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I'm starting, but what I did with my JBJ is that with the 4 compartiment.


1: Put a sen pump 55gal/h to get better water movemen in the back and a 50w heater.


2: Put full of LR and Base rock


3: Pinpoint ph monitor probe


4: return pump with eventually purigen bag.

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I received a nanocube for christmas. When I opened the box the divider was loose, so I removed it to work on it. I cut/broke most of the little partitions. I removed all except the bottom one on the section after the intake "column" I glued one of the removed sections to the slit that is on the top of the intake section. That way all the water that enters the back section is forced to first go down this intake section (where I left one sponge for now) and out the bottom slot and into the second compartment. There I keep carbon (soon to be replaced by purigen). This is where I left the one bottom partition on to basically hold the carbon bag in place and to force the water up to hopefully get more circulation back there before it gets returned to the tank by the pump at the bottom. Hopefully this all makes sense. It seems to be working so far.

I also upgraded to a larger pump and keep and keep a heater back there. I didn't put any live rock back there to keep it more accessible.

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i would take out the sponges, cuz they accumulate a LOT of detris, and they don't really hold onto it. When I finally decided to pull the sponges out after 2 months, tons of small particles of detris went into the tank and got all over the place! It was a $hitstorm!


Now I use a phosphate pad in the back and replace it every 2 weeks. Detris clings to it like glue!

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I left the sponges and rinse them out once a week. I left the original pump and placed a small rio pump behind the upper intake. I cut out a small hole so the spout is the only thing that is visible. I am in los angeles so I don't really have an issue with heat or cold so I don't have a heater.


I have lots of live rock and live sand in the tank itself so I don't need to add live rock to the compartment. If you don't have any then I would definately recommend you purchasing some.


I looked into getting the lee's skimmer and that might be an option in the future but after working out a few kinks my tank is doing fine.


Enjoy your new tank!

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