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So apparently the Maxijet 1200 does not fit into the Bak-pak 2 Combo Box. As a matter of fact, no maxijet will fit. I have a 400 not being used and tried it just to see if a smaller one would fit - no.


So now I need to find what pump I can use to get max effectiveness but also fit into the Combo Box/Prefilter.



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I've been reading that the modified acella pump is as good as or better than the maxijet 1200. Any idea if this thing is slimmer and may fit into my Combo Box?

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It appears that these Combo Boxes come in 2 different sizes. There is an original size that measures only 2" in width that only fits the older-stock Rio and a newer version that fits the Maxijet 1200 and the Accella 1000.


I purchased this item through Ameka Aquatics and it was advertised as the newer version that measures 2.25" in width - big enough to house upgraded pumps but received a box that only measures 2".


Hopefully they can resolve this without hassle.

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That sucks, hope they straighten it out for you.



They were quick to reply to me via ebay. They said a new one would be sent out today and I must have been mistakenly shipped an older model, which they had no idea they still had in stock.


A slight setback but will give me more time to work on my Biocube

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really cool! how much longer before you start stocking?



At least a week. Maybe two. I want to make sure that 1) I can recommit myself to giving my 2 tanks the attention that they deserve and 2) make sure my water quality is as perfect as possible - these tanks have been running for a long time without much maintenance and I suspect I might still have a nitrates issue and certainly and phosphate issue (I am starting to see red algae in my Biocube, sadly).


I have been giving them both steady 20% water changes and I hope the mediabasket will help with my algae issue in my Biocube. I'll go in there and scrape if off of my rock if I have to. The water is very clear though.


I may slip in some purigen into Chamber 1on the Biocube temporarily. The Skimmer will get my Hex rolling soon once I finally attach the Combo Box that is still in its packaging.


I suspect I will stock this one first. I know I want a B/W Clown and a Purple Firefish. I want to add a second goby but haven't decided on which one yet. Suggestions are welcome.


The bottom line is my fish aren't going to suffer or die because I added them too soon =)

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Bak-Pak 2 Combo Box.




It is basically an overflow to coverup all the stuff that is going on inside your tank for the skimmer and it also has a preskimmer foam on it. It also has foam under the output to reduce microbubbles.




The new model fits the Maxijet 1200 and the Accela 1000




This was a test run of my skimmer.



Microbubbles. It looks like the fitting on the bottom of the Maxijet isn't as tight as it used to be. I attempted to find rubber washers at Lowes to help but I couldn't find any close to the right size. Luckily this whole thing fits inside the combo box anyway.




Combo Box installed. This was not really easy. I had to put the Combo Box in the water first and then set the Skimmer down in it and on the back of my tank at the same time due to the weird shape of the hex and the small sides.







From the side.




Ugly flash-on shot of my tank so you can see the Combo Box in the back.




I had to re-cut and re-sand my acrylic top so the Skimmer could fit.




It still warps a good bit after a few days.




I'm thinking if I keep flipping it then it should eventually get tempered.




Light back on.






More updates and a full tank shot after the sediment settles.

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As you can see I already have more coraline building up on the glass.


Hopefully the addition of some livestock will slow it down.

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I am picking these up at my LPS this afternoon:




Cerith Sand Sifting Snail - 3

Blue Legs - 5

Zebra-stripe Turbo Snail - 1



I will probably be getting the purple firefish within the next week. I'll be testing my water again and posting here this evening.

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Got em in. I hope my parameters don't kill them off.


My nitrates are still hovering around 30ppm in this tank. I just can't seem to get it down and keep it there.


The skimmer also isn't pulling much skimmate out of the tank. I might need to take a look at my airflow

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So far we still have life on all of the inverts. I will do another water change soon.


The collection cup is all the way down but I can't seem to pull anything. Weird.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still nothing in the collection cup. Did anyone find that the stock (or smaller equivalent) pump work better than the upgraded Maxijet1200 in these things?

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If the skimmer has to much flow it may not be allowing the bubbles enough time to react with the water before exiting.


DId you mod your MJ1200 on the intake side or are you just using the venturi bubbles it comes stock with.

If your just using the stock fitting I dont feel it gives adequate micro bubbles to properly react in the water. The bubbles are simply to big. There are mods for pin wheel and mesh wheel on the MJ PH's and an intake side air mod that will produce great micro bubbles for skimming.


It just sounds like your getting flow but not the right bubble/air mix.

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If the skimmer has to much flow it may not be allowing the bubbles enough time to react with the water before exiting.


DId you mod your MJ1200 on the intake side or are you just using the venturi bubbles it comes stock with.

If your just using the stock fitting I dont feel it gives adequate micro bubbles to properly react in the water. The bubbles are simply to big. There are mods for pin wheel and mesh wheel on the MJ PH's and an intake side air mod that will produce great micro bubbles for skimming.


It just sounds like your getting flow but not the right bubble/air mix.



I am using the stock venturi kit sent by Bak-pak from years ago. No mods have been done to it.


I get more of a plume of bubbles rather than bubbles filling up the entire intake chamber. Its also loud as hell.


Here are a few pictures I pulled from google of a similar venturi.







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I've been reading about a fishing line mod and it seems easy enough with good results. I might try this.


My maxi-jet is also loud as hell. I think it may be wearing out.

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