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new fish...new pic - 13 gal nisso tank


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Did you ever think that she wasnt asking you what you thought or did you never consider the fact that she didnt ask you for permission before she placed the copperstrip and the tang in a 13 gallon tank? Maybe your tang is hyperactive? She is free to exercise her right to manage her tank how she sees fit, YOU should keep your mouth shut and keep your negative remarks to yourself.

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This is a message board right? Anyone here is allowed to state thier opinion as long as they're not using offensive language. Unless you want to post a picture and get 0 responses and be okay with it. Were not going to sit here like robots and say "nice tank, beautiful, excellent job"

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I agree with reefsrule. But I can see where he's comming from. It's ok to have a differing opinion with someone, just don't state your opinions in negative context. When you do that, people take it as a direct remark towards them.

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Before people continue to argue about the tang in the tank, look at the second pic of the tang and butterfly, where they meet looks weird. Also I think the tang would eat the macroalgae, if Im not mistaken. In the 3rd pic the tang looks fake and in that same pic the copperband is

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Before people continue to argue about the tang in the tank, look at the second pic of the tang and butterfly, where they meet looks weird. Also I think the tang would eat the macroalgae, if Im not mistaken. In the 3rd pic the tang looks fake and in that same pic the copperband is behind blue ( I think its Favites) coral. Somethings fishy.

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There is nothing to fishy about.

I saw a lot of people that just want that little yellow tang.

It is like that darn nemo thing. Some people just crazy about little nemo with anemone in their 20gal tank with 40w NO fluoerscent light. They just couldn't shake it off from their head. Some fish like Yellow tang, copperband are just too darn pretty for them to ignore. So, they just don't want to listen. they must have that fish... just want to tell their friend "look, what I got, ain't it pertty?"


I told one of them "that yellow tang won't last long in your tank, cuz yours is too small to hold him" and you know what? He told me "mind your own business."


Well.. I was little ####ed but, thought he is right. It's his fish, not mine. He will continue to throw new fish into his tank when old one dies, never knowing WTH is wrong... as long as he won't listen. I won't argue with him. :)


Go back to juliet's tank. I like the clean look of it. Still don't think it is adequate to have those fish in such a small tank.

It is possible that she needed copperband because she want to eliminate aiptasia or something... and took pictures before she return that copperband to its original owner. Or it is also possible that she is one of them that can't live without those pretty fish. But who knows? Just my thought.


*Edited/spell checked.

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I thought this was "The Photo Gallery."


Y can't you guys just leave it at that?


BTW, awesome tank, and really nice photos.

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Yes it is an amazing tank very clean and nicely aquascaped. She told that she was going to put those guys in a bigger tank when they are grown up. Photos are not fake i cant see any shadow or anything else showing that pics are not real. If you notice the semitransperent part of the tail of the fish you can see the otherside. It is none of our bussines. All we should do is to say congratulations. Nice tank cogratulations Juliet.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I love the tank? Hows it doing now? What kind of star is that? It looks like a marble sea star (Fromia sp)? Have you had to crop or harvest some of the macro yet? And finally how is the Copperband doing?

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  • 7 months later...
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