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Coral Vue Hydros

SW mixes, and other Q's


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What are your opinions on some of the best premixes on the market today? Particularly Im interested in one that will replace lost trace elements after water changes, so I don't have to worry about that aspect of the game.


Second Question. Should SW be premixed a day before and circulated before put into the tank for a WT? (I heard freshly mixed SW was toxic???)


And my last question, I was planning on letting my future tank filter naturaly (just LS and LR) with lots of partial WC, but would a small HOT biowheel filter help or hurt?



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Most salt mixes replace trace elements.

I usually make RO and start mixing the night before a WC.

When mixing, I'll throw a heater in the tub, add a big powerhead with venturi to aerate the water and let it mix overnight....


wouldn't reccommend the bio-wheel..it'll just give you problems down the road with nitrates...you can use a HOB without the bio-wheel for more flow.....

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A biowheel will hurt with nitrates? Can you explain? (Too much build up of nitrates or not enouph?)


So a HOB would pretty much just be there for more flow, and not so much for filtration?



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Originally posted by MrKrispy

do a search on biowheels.   TONs of posts about them and why we tend to lead people away from them


Found what I was looking for, thanks! (maybe one should be a sticky/artical : )


So the only real benefit for a small filter on a tank would be:

A)Increase amount of water in tank

B)Water flow


With this direction, I presume no filter material (AC, or other) should be placed in / tank will be fine without / the filter?

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I wouldnt add the filter material. Although I do keep carbon in my HOB filter that I keep in 24/7 to help improve water quality.


Sometimes I will add a spong to the HOB filter overnight if I kick up any debris or particulate from the sand when doing a water change. Sometimes it take a while for this stuff to settle again. I would always remove it though when the water is clear again!

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Originally posted by MillerLite

Sometimes I will add a spong to the HOB filter overnight if ..... I would always remove it though when the water is clear again!


why would you remove the sponge? Does it clog up too easily? I figure it would better help to filter the water.

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