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911 emergency PLESE HELP!


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i would say just keep up the water changes and run as much carbon as you have but then again you know that already.

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ugh so today everything is still alive ,the candy is a little pale but alive for now. fish are still kickin but im worried for my copiapod population. i know inverts are more seseptable to this kind of stuff ,but the coral banded shrimp is ok

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If it's an alkalinity kit then the only things in it are (according to the MSDS)

sodium hydroxide - raises pH

propanol - an alcohol so stimulates bacterial production

phenolphthalein - ann indicator that changes color according to pH - if consumed by humans it's a potent laxative, but otherwise harmless.

sulfuric acid - lowers pH

bromcresol green - changes colors according to pH


The bromcresol green can be removed very quickly with carbon and/or water changes

Since you say the water turned green, the it's likely the N alkalinity reagent that has bromcresol in it. Should be no long lasting effects unless you didn't do anything (waterchanges and/or carbon)

Now let's get back to contemplating how we'll deal with the kid. Recall what the MSDS said about the phenolphthalein? BWaaaHaHaHa.

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I'm sorry to hear what you're going through and I hope it turns out okay, but how was the kid able to get to your test kits anyway? You may not want to hear this, but if the kid was able to access your chemicals, it wasn't entirely his fault. Part of it was yours. You need to put all toxic chemicals away from where kids or pets could get at them. Yes, the kid needs to be disciplined for this, but you also need to know that how you were storing those chemicals was insufficient and you need to find a safer place for them, somewhere out of reach or locked away in a cabinet.


You can complain about the kid all you want, but he's a kid. They tend to do stupid things with anything they can access - it's a given. This should be a lesson to both of you and I hope you both learn from it with hopefully minimal or no losses to your tank. Good luck!

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+100000000000000000 to what Yardboy said.


Couple of drops in the boys drink and and.. and... deronamoooooooo

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the kid is 5 or 6 and he is old enough to understand the prob is the mom not watching her damn kid i have a baby but shes not old enough yet and no pets . and the chemi was under the cabinet ''the closed one with doors '' he had time to put two test tubes and the tester and a piece of wax from the table i the other room in the fuge. so yes maybe your right, ill dig a hole in the back yard and bury the tests when im not useing them . :huh: . i put all blame in the mother for not watching her kid ugh

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+100000000000000000 to what Yardboy said.


Couple of drops in the boys drink and and.. and... deronamoooooooo


LOL, and buy lots of TP

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the kid is 5 or 6 and he is old enough to understand the prob is the mom not watching her damn kid i have a baby but shes not old enough yet and no pets . and the chemi was under the cabinet ''the closed one with doors '' he had time to put two test tubes and the tester and a piece of wax from the table i the other room in the fuge. so yes maybe your right, ill dig a hole in the back yard and bury the tests when im not useing them . :huh: . i put all blame in the mother for not watching her kid ugh


Five or six years old is not necessarily old enough to "know better" - your expectations are too high for that age. Parents are constantly advised to keep poisons out of reach of all children - they don't stop being children at 6. If you had a child proof lock on it and he was able to open it, get a combination or key lock. If you didn't have any type of lock on it, get a child proof one at least, as you'll need it soon anyway if you have a baby. Both are easily found at any hardware store.


My concern if I were you would be making sure this type of incident never gets repeated again by him or any other child who's invited over to or lives in your house in the future. This is not just about the tank, this is about the wider implications of what he was able to do and what he could have done, regardless of who's "fault" it was.


Again, good luck with the tank.

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i understand your point dont get me wrong but still ive thought about it . but its 4 months before i have to worry about mine and 6yo is old enough to know what he is not supposed to touch especiall since hes been told not to mess with that stuff , i was at work at the time when all this happened and like i said if she was watching her kid this wouldnt have happened. i fixed the prob though they are banned from entering my house .


im nervous to see whats dead in my tank when i get home today

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You may not want to hear this, but if the kid was able to access your chemicals, it wasn't entirely his fault.


Not gonna harp on ya, but there is truth to that statement. My kids have been involved with my tanks ever since they could walk. "Wanna help me watch for the color change?" / "Wanna help me mix salt?" / "Wanna help me feed the fish?"


Now they are 7 and 11 and we're gonna set up tanks for them...my leftovers. They are stoked!!


It's all about passing on that "need to know" info. Espically to the ones who could inadvertantly crash your system. Plus, an out of reach "no kid zone" is always a good idea. Hopefully everyone has learned a lesson.


I do feel for ya however....



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no it seems to be doing ok every thing is noticabley lighter in color though . funny thing is the skimmer is workin overtime lol . still got my fingers crossed , ithink it is pulling all the stuff that died out like bactiria and stuff

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You've learned an important lesson here. If they're single with kids, learn from some other guy's mistake and steer clear.

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You've learned an important lesson here. If they're single with kids, learn from some other guy's mistake and steer clear.

+100 :lol:

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Hope it works out.. but every one of your posts hurt my brain to read.


Look into a spelling and grammar checker, slow down, and stop typing like you talk.

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Hope it works out.. but every one of your posts hurt my brain to read.


Look into a spelling and grammar checker, slow down, and stop typing like you talk.


This will encourage more people to help you the next time you need some advice.


Glad to hear everything seems to be ok!

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