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ADA 60-F


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This is my first SW tank so we'll see how it goes i've done a fair amount of reading up here. enough to start off my tank anyways. total flow with pump and filter is 280gph.




ADA 60F 24x12x7

13 Lbs of cured figi tukani lr

Vortech MP10es

tetra heater

small HOB

BRS Media Reactor




Coralife 2x24 T5HO

ATI aquablue +

Geisseman Actinic +





1black occilaris

2 emerald crab

1 banded serpent star

1 astrea

1 turbo

3 blue leg hermit

1 cerith snail


too many corals to list right now. bu't i'll get around to it when i'm bored enough.








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:o Your tank is cycling and you have livestock in there????


You obviously didnt really do a fair amount of reading here... or there

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Meh, it's cured rock. Worst case scenario is that you might lose the shrimp, I doubt anything else will die if the rock doesn't have a lot of die-off.


I like that aquascape!

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thanks i made it a point to get the lr cured from the lfs down the street from my house and i used premixed ro/di water. the lr stayed in the water on the way home and didn't spend anytime out of water or dry, basiclly bucket to tank.


thanks, vic the folks at the store were really cool she let me go through all her lr before deciding on what i wanted for my tank seeing as how it sits so low.

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Also if you want to be a bit more careful you could do pretty frequent water changes. I wouldn't do it on a normal cycle (there's a bit of an argument both ways here), but with stock in the tank you can improve the chances of them living.

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you think say a 10% change should be good? i'm only holding 8.75 gallons.


oh yeah and the rock doesn't look like theres much die off, theres what seems to be purple stuff growing everywhere. i'm fairly sure its coralline

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ok well i did a water change 4.2 liters (just over a gallon) i checked my water again

ph is up 8.2

temp 78

nh3 0.5

no2 0.5

no3 5.0

alk 1.7

sal 1.025


and everything seems to be doing fine the shrimp is all over that rock picking up tid bits to snack on i'm not sure if i should give him a pellet of food to munch before i leave town i'm leaving tonight i'll be back sunday around noon. i think they should be good.... think.

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now its just a matter of PLANNING my corals and such. also is it common for lfs to order fish and things you want specificly? (spelling sucks sorry) the one by my place is willing to do it i didn't know if it that was common in the hobby. i'm considering 2 true perculas 1 black, 1 orange.

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and in looking things up myself i found it much to hard to find/costly for a black true perc. so i may just stick with a clown fish and mabe a smaller goby that will chill with my shrimp

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LFS' order off a list from their distributors, so yeah, it's not uncommon to ask them to find something for you. They'll usually require you to pick it up immediately though.

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oh ok. another thing i got what looks to be a diatom "bloom" but it was just a few spots in a couple of clusters this morning and now its fading i thought it was supposed to last more than a day. oh well.

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I really like your aquascape!

so far, seems liek you've done a good job, can't wait till this matures haha.

GL! B)

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I really like your aquascape!

so far, seems liek you've done a good job, can't wait till this matures haha.

GL! B)


thanks i just got lucky they had really nice pieces that added up to about the wieght i wanted lol. and i can't wait either i don't want to introduce too much to fast you know. oh by the way i tested my water the other day and i so did my lfs and its good to go! everythings leveled out and trates are at 15. yess


oh and fiction, that water chage helped i'm doing another one this weekend just to make sure everything stays good.

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got a true perc, and an astrea, the cleaner and other snails died off fyi. but i got them at petco (i know stuipd.) but they weren't acting right, so i check out a cleaner at rainforest pets and he was acting completely different that mine was, so is that an idviduality issue or water quality thing? the perc is loving it he swims up the current then glides down to the edge of the tank and then rushes back up the flow and does it over and over and over, its pretty funny to watch and he's eating like a champ. and so is that astrea cruising all over that tank. just thought i'd update.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

lets see i've got some more livestock, 2 or 3 new zoas, 1 paly, 1 scroll, 1 sexy shrimp, and 1 pederson




that pederson is hiding some where i'll have to hunt him out later, to take a picture.

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after a mishap with my tank. filter floss clogging up in 3 days thus dumping half my water outta the tank for an undetermined amount of time. and me thinking i had a tank leak. i've had to redo my tank set up. well not so much redo more, more like rearrange. i've had to add 3.5 lbs of new established LR, i got rid of the sand bed, which dropped my 'trates to. they used to stay around 5-10 no matter what i did, less feeding less often more frequent water changes at a higher volume.


i'm pretty fond of the new look i know it was a extreme change but i had to replace 100% of the water due to an amonia spike that i'm assuming came from the exposed rock haveing some die off. its been a battle of big daily water changes, dosing biozyme, to help with benifical bacteria re-establishment, and this friday being the 1 week mark since the incident, i've only lost a scarlet hermit.( which now that i think of it was more likely killed by my dwarf blue leg, that i'm taking back to the lfs for credit) i'm pretty sure i'll get flamed for my actions but i didn't know what else to do. however doing a 100% waterchange which i don't recomend anyone ever do, all my water params are 0's across the board. cal is up to 500, and ph is stable. all in all i consider the out come a win even though i probably didn't do everything right.

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