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Cultivated Reef

I'm seeing trails!


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When I got up this morning and looked in the tank (7 days today), I saw what looked like trails....almost like someone ran their fingers through the sand.

What is it?? Can I see it if I sneak up on it?

I can't stop staring in there!

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probably worms or nass snails moving around. get up around 3AM and peek in with a small light. :ninja:


it's an entirely different world at night. note: they will run from the light tho. the reef elves.

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hehe, night life in the tank. Can't believe you didn't know about this. And yes you can sneak up on the tank contrary to what Acoustic told you. You need some very soft soled shoes and you must move very very slowly. Inch by inch. May take an hour or so to actually reach the tank so as not to frighten the nocturnal critters.


Seriously though, yes you can look into the tank after lights out and see some very cool things.

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