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Coral Vue Hydros

Setting up a nano reef


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Originally posted by psions5
Ah, the Psion Series 5. Almost unknown in the U.S., the Psion was immensely popular in Europe and was, in fact, the ultimate handheld computer. I even released a shareware program that I wrote for the Series 3c. Excuse me while I stroll down memory lane...


Ahem, uh, I'm back now.

My lfs said he recommended starting with mushroom corals and sea squirts, which apparantly filter the water aswell.
Hmmm. Sea squirts or tunicates do filter the water to some extent but they are extremely rare. I've never seen them sold before, and usually those that have them, got them as hitchhikers, and they usually don't last long. Maybe he was talking about sea cucumbers or sea urchins?


Anyway, don't ever trust an LFS. Mushrooms and other corals do not filter the water, in fact if you have corals you will need to keep better water conditions than if you don't. Macroalgae on the other hand, will absorb nasties like ammonia and nitrates, and are often used as a method of nutrient export (rip half it out every week and throw away).

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Sorry ive gone a little side tracked too!, My tank is being delivered in a few weeks, I wanted to get the Kent marine starter kit, and Reef starter kit, with a drip feed system, will my Corals and Shrimp e.t.c need a lot of Iodene and calcium. I am though having difficulty choosing a substrate, I WAS going to go with crushed Coral sand, but people have said bad things about it, what should I go for, I will be having a yellow watchman Goby and pistol shrimp, Which apparantly like to dig vast networks of tunnels to live in. Do any of you guys think it's woorth using that live rock "Glue" to hold them alltogether and create different designs. With Freshwater I used to feed live tubifex e.t.c but found it very inconveniencing after a time, Will all of my fish eat Formula 1 flakes or similar Marine Flakes,


Fairy Basslet

Fire Goby

Yellow Watchman Goby

Pistol Shrimp


p.s Is it true that Mantis and Pistol shrimp are capable of breaking aquarium glass should they so wish! :o

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