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3 Gallon Eclipse Nano


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Here are some pics of my 3 Gallon Nano



3 Gallon Eclispse (using built in Eclipse filter for water movement and Chemi-Pure)

13 Watt 50/50 Power Compact

Rio 50 Power Head

5 lbs live rock (I believe it's Tonga)

1"-2" live sand



3 different types of zoos

Bubble Coral

Candy Cane Coral



Green Star Polyp

Some unidentified soft coral

Mandarin Clown Fish

2 Blue Hermit Crabs

Several Nerite Snails


Dose every other day with Calcium/Alkaline, Iodine, and Phytoplankton.


Any suggestions on stuff to add would be great!



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I agree on the sponge theory for the unidentified coral and the other frag further down in your thread looks like a small capnella(kenia-tree). Watch the sponge as it looks like a non-photosynthetic which will likely decompose if in direct light (algae clogs the syphons and they die). I also forward the motion of getting a smaller fish (or even better, shrimp) for your tank as the swimming space is very limited. I'd also keep an eye on your bubble, it's usually not that great of a sign when the skeleton is showing... HTH

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